Things to do

I took this photo to remind me that I’d like to attend this event. But I can’t decide whether to go. It’s an evening workshop and I’m not very keen on going out on my own in the evenings. (it’s actually lunchtime till mid evening). Plus I haven’t been able to scan the qr code. Perhaps I need to go with someone else. Things are going on that I have to try to go to, but I need more enthusiasm.

Evening Moon

10x view of the moon with my phone. I wish I could have got a clearer view. I did think about changing the exposure, but I’m not exactly sure how as my phone is new and I don’t know how to change it to manual yet. Plus there was camera shake. It would be great to see some of the ‘seas’, or mare like the Sea of tranquility or the bay of rainbows. Also famous craters like Tycho, named after the astronomer Tycho Brahe. I could see darker areas visually but the exposure was on automatic. I will learn!

Red sky tonight

A drawing of the view

I saw the sky this evening

Turned bloody orange

As if on fire

Light streaming through

Branches and trees

Illuminating a landscape

Still dry from lack of rain.

The hedge behind us

Was split by the light

A shaft of red and gold

For telling bright weather

And clear skies

And stars

For the night ahead…..

I must walk more..

Up till a year ago I was regularly walking in the evenings, but then I pulled a calf muscle and was really stuck for a few months. It took ages to heal and it still twinges when I walk uphill. I realise I have made a mistake not getting back into it. I must start again. Slow evening walks, short walks to the shops. I need to get myself sorted out. X

July Cats

A calendar with a kitten, cat hooks for key rings, a bit congested but an interesting photo I think. If you look closer you can see an umbrella leaning there. The calender hangs from a paperclip. Oh the joys of non style! I’m messy, not stylish, I’m not tidy, I’m a pragmatic housekeeper. If it works just leave it! July, it’s a cute month. (apologies for the use of the kitten photo, I don’t know the photographer).


I tried to take a photo earlier on of a real sunburst breaking through the clouds behind our house. But for some reason it didn’t save. So when I came out of choir practice I was pleased to see this.

As usual my pareidolia kicked in. I think I can see a woman floating through the sky. One arm extended, a crown or a cake suspended above it. There are shadows cast by one lot of clouds onto the ones above them, and I love the colours, the dusky pinks and purples especially.

Outside sculpture?

At Keele University, seen one summer evening in the glow of the evening sky. The posts are square and mirror coated, the lights reflect off them and you see a miriad of reflections as you look through them. It’s an impressive sight. It’s near the Chapel and Students Union at Keele University in Staffordshire, England. The University is on a campus about a couple of miles west of up a hill from Newcastle-under-Lyme. I’m glad that public art is on display. It gives a place for artists work to be seen.

The weather turns

Rain, then more rain, followed by sunshine and showers. More rain due. Mists and drizzle. Cold showers. Heavy showers travel up the country. From south to north, west to east. Scudding across the sky. Clouds caught on a strong wind. Billowing, blousy, heavy, dark grey. Moving faster than waking pace, shadows flit across the ground. Leaving puddles of shade on the scorched pavements. Dry September has become wet September. Summer has become Autumn. Growth to decay. Age after youth.