Martha’s Gallery

My friend Martha Kennedy has created a portfolio of her work that’s for sale.

She’s a talented artist and writer who lives in America. I love to see her paintings of ‘the big empty’, with mountains in the distance. And a ‘refuge’ for Sand Cranes and other birds and animals.

Living in a city in the UK I can only imagine the wide open spaces she sees. Or what I would call wilderness. X

Take a look…..

Found old paints

Found these paints in the back of a drawer. About thirty years old!

They are Rowney Oils and Windsor and Newton Watercolours and a box of various paints, chalks, and coloured pencil. Goodness knows why they got put away. I haven’t checked the oils, they may have dried out, but the watercolours and chalks and pencils should be fine. I think I could call this a win!

An oil 40 years on


Forty years ago I painted my partner and I still have the painting (and him).

It’s oil on canvas. The shine at the base was because there is a table lamp in front of it.

It must have been snowing as the background view shows white coveredĀ  hills outside.

I used to stretch my own canvases, then prime them with white emulsion paint. Oils also require turps or substitute turps and linseed oil to thin the paints down and create glazes.

I found that they were more workable because they stay wet for days. You can cover an oil painting up with cloth and it will still be workable a day or two later.

I wonder what my art would look like if I still used oils.