Low sky

Outside our back door this evening. The sky looked pinker than this to my eyes, but I have to go with what the camera shows. Out anemometer on the weather station was spinning round merrily in the gusty wind (it was almost a dark and stormy evening!) it’s not linked in with the station in the house as the batteries are dead! I do like the salmon pink sky. I wish we lived on the sunny side of the hill.

Blue sky

I have these hanging in my window. The top one is Ygdrasil, (not sure of the spelling), the tree of life. I don’t look at it very often but with the blue sky it was more visible. I do seem to collect a lot of stuff. The house is full of clutter. Some of it has got to go. But not these. The bottom one is flowers and a dragonfly. Both made by my talented wire weaving friend D.


I love piled up clouds, dark and threatening, but with bright white patches, and blue sky (enough to make a sailors britches). You know a heavy shower is on the way, but it won’t last long, and the sun will be shining again.

When I used to walk to school I would chase the shadows of clouds. They would drift along the pavement like lapping waves. I don’t seem to see them any more? Maybe their edges are too fluffy. Or they don’t scud past anymore? Has the, weather changed in the last fifty years…?


I love clouds so when I saw these on Saturday I had to take a photo. I loved that they were lined up diagonally. I think they are cumulusclouds. I ought to check the cloud appreciation society page on Facebook but I thought I’d post it here first. November is near and grey skies abound, so it was good to see a little daylight for a change.

Floating building

A picture I created five years ago. Collaged from an angled view of part of the old spode factory in Stoke on Trent. I love it because it looks like it’s floating in a beautiful blue sky, with patterns of wispy clouds creating a tracery of waves like the tide coming in around the buildings. I should do more….

Had to add

A bird in a tree…

I always find finger painting trees and details difficult in digital apps, I really need to find my digital stylus out, but I don’t know where its gone. This was drawn in the Sketchbook app.

Anyway this fits in with the poem I wrote this morning. The bird on the tree is probably a blackbird (it’s difficult to draw something that delicate accurately). I loved creating this because it’s different to my usual style. And I’m really pleased with the colour combination of yellow overlaying black and grey.

White bridge, Etruria

Spanning the Cauldon Arm of the Trent and Mersey canal. This white painted metal bridge arcs over the canal near the Etruria Industrial museum. The steps are metal too so when people walk over it their steps ring metallicaly.

The other side is a car park on Kilndown Close. This is where Canada geese used to congregate, but netting has been tied to the fencing to keep them off (possibly because of bird flu?). They still swim on the canal.

Notice the sky? It was blue with puffy white clouds floating in it. Today was the best day we have had for a while. There was even a hint of heat from the sunshine despite a strong wind that was rippling the surface of the canal. Lovely bridge, lovely day.

Flying ariels

Surreal image just created by mirroring a photo of an ariel in front of a cloud. The angles of the ariels make them look like they are floating or flying. I’ve seen other people’s photos years ago doing a similar process. The images they created looked like strange insects, with wing cases apparently made of windows and antenna from TV ariels. It’s fun to create odd images like this.