Splodgy skies

More boring splodgy night skies. The white line is the moon, just shows how bad my camera shake is! 60 second exposures, went from greenish to slight pink to blue. So maybe there will be better views outside the city?

I’m afraid I’m getting a bit obsessed with the Aurora Borealis. But since we are still in a stream of particles from the sun I might as well try and take pictures when I can. The next solar maximum is in 22 years and I might not be around to see that. Sorry these pictures don’t show amazing structures but I’m pleased just to get the colours here in the middle of a city, x

A green sea spirit

Painting that just popped up on my Facebook memories today from 9 years ago. It’s a picture of a green man sea spirit. The image was based on a terracotta face I had outside my back door. There is a crack through it which was caused by frost I think. I changed the colours to reflect its maritime appearance. It has a similar feeling to the Air painting I just published, a spiritual or mythical feeling. Acrylic on canvas.


A painting from a few years ago, a bit burry with camera shake. It’s one of four I did to represent Earth, Air, Fire and Water. It was a series I really enjoyed. Working with the flow of paint, allowing my imagination free rein. It’s acrylic on canvas. Two of the set had already been sold and I was thinking of painting replacement images. I wish I had, I’m not sure I ever will. X

Jupiter blue

One of my favourite paintings, Jupiter Blue is based on a photo of Jupiters South pole if I remember correctly. The photo was taken by the Juno probe a few years ago. Astronomers were astounded by the colour of the gas giants clouded atmosphere.

I found it incredibly difficult to paint. It was so hard to get the softness of the clouds and I still think I can see a birds head or a witchy face in the painting. It’s acrylic on canvas large painting.

Tried painting Jupiter’s pole.

I tried painting Jupiter’s pole in 2020 I think, from a photo taken by the Juno space probe. I was amazed at the colours that we saw. Not the oranges, whites and reds seen by the previous missions, but wonderful blue black and white swirls that are so difficult to capture. I saw this in my studio today and memories flooded back.


I love piled up clouds, dark and threatening, but with bright white patches, and blue sky (enough to make a sailors britches). You know a heavy shower is on the way, but it won’t last long, and the sun will be shining again.

When I used to walk to school I would chase the shadows of clouds. They would drift along the pavement like lapping waves. I don’t seem to see them any more? Maybe their edges are too fluffy. Or they don’t scud past anymore? Has the, weather changed in the last fifty years…?

Silver birch

Silver birch trees are much whiter than they used to be when I was a child. They still have dark marks on their trunks, like upward facing arrows. But the dirty grey bark of polluted air in the past decades has seemingly reduced. But particulates still float in the air, and carbon dioxide is increasing, so maybe the trees will get bigger as they absorb the gas?

This beautiful example is starting to lose it’s leaves. Shown against the white and blue of showery sky.

Lemon tree

We have a lemon tree from the supermarket and after six months the lemon has grown and is turning yellow. There are a few more small lemons on the plant so once we pick this one they may start growing. It’s propped on the lip of the pot so it can catch the sun and get warmed by the radiator when it’s on.

The plant had to be potted on because it was root bound and it has grown really well with glossy green leaves. I like the texture of the lemon and leaves in my photo which I took from below to get a better view and catch the blue sky and dream catcher in the background.