Silver birch face

My friend took this photo for me as the camera on my phone keeps glitching. I’m part way through painting a green woman for someone and I want the background behind her to be trees.

There are silver birches in the grounds of the community centre where I attend our art group so we went out and I chose the trees I wanted pictures of. It helps to see the shapes of their trunks and branches instead of trying to imagine them. The details of the bark are fascinating and I hope to try and reproduce the patterns.

I’ll post a photo of the work in progress later but I want to tidy it up a bit first, it’s a bit like a mediaeval illustration at the moment, I need to make it more subtle.

I think there’s a bit of Pareidolia going on here as I can see a face in the tree bark.

Tulip close up

Close up of a tulip

Exciting. Yes to me, this wrinkled flower is changing by the day. If the weather warms up it might open in the next couple of days. Green and pink? Will it change colour too? Concentrating on one flower, but it looks interesting to me. It reminds me of a stormy sea. Waves crashing against each other….. Ooo I’m so excited!

Only colours

I saw this canal boat and just wanted to take a photo of the colours and the perspective lines. You don’t always have to take a photo that shows the entire object. Close ups and distant shots can be good. Macro photos can be very interesting. There are bad photos, but then you can crop them to show a different aspect. Be open to different ideas. Be creative, be comfortable with trying something new.

Two finished

I decided to do a bonus small painting to go with my bigger close up of a poppy. It’s called red poppy. It’s hard to come up with an original title. Lots of red used in these but I’ve tried to vary them and give that wrinkled feeling that poppies have.

Close up

I am painting again. I’ve spent a few hours on this and it’s about a quarter done. I want to get it finished quickly because it needs taking in to the gallery, but I want to make sure it’s a good job. I’m layering u the flowers and I will be adding vegetation growing in front to give it more depth soon. I have to stand back from it to check how it fits together. But is it too busy?

Willow pattern

A bad, fuzzy close up

Of a painting I did

A willow pattern plate

That Spode pottery made

Based on patterns

That came from the east

So many variations

That you find all around.

Blue and white pottery

Glazed and painted

By skilled, creative artists

Paid by piecework,

(the number they did) .

Stoke on Trent city

A fading of clay,

But once so many people

Gave their art to the day.

Flock or Phlox?

Next to my raspberries a tallish purple flower stands. I think it’s a phlox? I’m not sure of the spelling. Homonyms, words that sound the same but are spelt /spelled differently.

The English language can trip you up. It has evolved, with different spelling rules like ‘i before e except after c’, which isn’t always correct.

Anyway, back to this plant. I was really pleased I managed to get a reasonably close image of the flowers. With water droplets visible on the petals. Any ideas on identification?

Abstract leaves

When you look out the window and wonder what to do with a long, multicoloured mobile that twirls in the wind. I took a zoomed in, pixilated shot of it, then put it through photodirector to add texture and tipped it from the vertical. I think it looks like the photo has been taken through textured glass. I like the wrinkled, dappled effect.

Orchid reflection.


The bright reflection of my orchid plant in a glass covered picture my friend gave me. It’s a close up and it stands out because of the darkness of the surrounding area.. The pink, blue and green stands out bright and clear. I wish my phone camera could reproduce images more clearly when you zoom in. But it was worth taking the photo.