Silver birch face

My friend took this photo for me as the camera on my phone keeps glitching. I’m part way through painting a green woman for someone and I want the background behind her to be trees.

There are silver birches in the grounds of the community centre where I attend our art group so we went out and I chose the trees I wanted pictures of. It helps to see the shapes of their trunks and branches instead of trying to imagine them. The details of the bark are fascinating and I hope to try and reproduce the patterns.

I’ll post a photo of the work in progress later but I want to tidy it up a bit first, it’s a bit like a mediaeval illustration at the moment, I need to make it more subtle.

I think there’s a bit of Pareidolia going on here as I can see a face in the tree bark.

What? Willow pattern platter.

A few years ago I painted a picture of the willow pattern on an imaginary platter. I used two seperate images of a willow pattern plate and amalgamated them into one. The willow pattern has several iconic aspects. A pine tree, willow tree, three people crossing a bridge, temples, boats, love birds. I’m sure they will have explanations of what they stand for. I really enjoyed creating this. X

Out and about

View from the balcony

Silver birches in front of the chimney at Jessie Shirley’s bone and flint mill in Etruria, Stoke on Trent today. It was very grey and overcast, but the silver white bark of the trees shone out like exclamation marks against the industrial museum background. It’s funny how your eyes accommodate and let more light in than the camera does. To me they really stood out. But they photo is really dull, maybe I should edit it?

I’m thinking of doing some volunteering in the near future to get out and about more, Etruria seems like somewhere to start. x

4 years ago

View of trees and local playing fields up our hill. It was four years ago. I took a photo during the winter and the trees looked skeletal. I put this through photodirector a couple of times to get the textured look. It almost looks like looking through a wet windscreen, where the lines are blurred and smeared. I think I might paint it.

Autumn leaves

Most leaves have changed colour

It’s November and they are hanging on

But a storm is coming..

Leaves will spin and twist…

Then fall like snowflakes to the ground.

To be blown along by the wind

Forming drifts

Where hedgehogs can hide,

Damp leaf mold will rot and spread

Nutrients back into the soil.

Leaves anew, next year, to feed..

So the cycle of life turns…