
I just sorted something out, and I feel a bit happier. It was just a simple repair, but I needed a hammer to fix the stair carpet in place. Could I find the hammer? I’d put it in a “safe” place. So no. It was lost. Then I moved a bag with one of hubbys remote control cars in it and it was there. I found a tack and fastened the carpet back in place. The cat has been sharpening her claws and pulled it loose. Tomorrow? I’m going to buy more tacks!


It’s still growing, she shouted…

He stood at the bottom of the stairs looking up.

Oh, it’s pushed the top off the jar!

She ran down the stairs….

What have you been feeding it? She asked him.

Just nutrients, he said.

As he spoke, the stems pulsed and coiled. Pink and red cells seemed to glow. Each second the plant or creature was getting larger. Then like a coiled spring toy, a slinky, it tumbled down the stairs…

Run she said. As trailing vines skittered across the floor… But he was rooted to the spot, a tendril found his ankle.

She ran and slammed the door behind her….


Have you ever broken a bone?

I’ve broken a few bones in my life. Luckily they mended.

I don’t know if I should give personal information out about my health, and yet I have shared before. So I will talk about something that happened more than thirty years ago.

I will talk about one injury which was very painful. I slipped on the top stair of a friends house and bumped down every single step on my bottom. Instead of sympathy all my friends just laughed! I realised I had hurt myself, so went to the accident unit at the hospital., in those days you could get checked over much more quickly.

After about four hours of standing up (I couldn’t sit) the doctor diagnosed a fractured coccyx (your tail bone). He said he wouldn’t xray the area, but that it would take six to eight weeks to get better. In the meantime I needed padding to support my weight, so I bought a blow up swimming ring. It was very strange going to work and sitting on a blue ring covered in goldfish. I got some smart and silly remarks from colleagues. But eventually I was OK…

Asleep on the stairs

Beware! Early morning hazard on the stairs. As the days and nights get warmer I think he sleeps on the stairs because there is a cool draught of air descending down them. It does make navigating them difficult for us. Thankfully I have two handrails and I walk carefully anyway. Rushing down (or up) could lead to a serious fall. I am also happy that he has a prominent white mark across his back which makes him more visible against our charcoal grey carpet (which the cats are pulling loose). Early morning perambulation is done at our own risk! Meanwhile he’s snoring quietly, curled up, a step full of fur asleep on the stairs.

Cat on stairs

The cat came in and plonked himself down to sleep in a quiet place last night, partway up the stairs! He settled down to snooze, which was fine, but at bedtime, he was in the way. However cats have pride of place here, so because there was room to put a foot next to him we let him be. Then during the night I had to come downstairs a couple of times. He was still there, curled up. Luckily he has a white band across his back so I could see he was there. This morning? Still having a kip. I gave him a couple of cat treats which he ate. We are letting him be, I checked and could see no injuries so he must just be tired. X

Big cat

Ex-outside cat slept on the stairs last night. He sometimes sleeps on our bed now but instead he was halfway down and I almost stood on him. He is very big and was lying on about two thirds of the step. Luckily I just saw him in time. He is a real character, when we are in the living room he sits between the arms of the chairs we sit on. He seems to really want to be with us. I hope we have completely gained his trust.

Since he moved in with us he’s put on weight and become much calmer. He seems to be very settled with us now. He also gets on well with our other two cats despite him being twice the size of our small female cat. I can’t imagine a time without cats.


Upstairs view! Not today’s, but I got upstairs for the first time in three and a half weeks!

The computer needed rebooting. The number of emails I’ve had was ridiculous. I’ve deleted a lot of them because they are well out of date.

I want to make the bed and tidy up. But just getting there is an achievement. I had to sit down for half an hour before I could limp back down again, but it’s good progress. I’ve just got to keep healing and getting better.

Walking like a crab

Still sore😢 after pulling a muscle in my calf. I can’t climb steps so I slept in an armchair. I found it easier to walk sideways like a crab! When I overstretch it really hurts so I’m shuffling like an old lady!

Does anyone know how long this will hurt for? I have so much to do. It is extremely frustrating! I keep having to stretch my leg a bit to stop me seizing up but then it hurts again. I’m really tired.