
If you had to change your name, what would your new name be?

Change my name, change my face…

Change my world.

Why Eloise? I just like the sound. I’m not even sure if I’ve spelt it correctly? If you add a U it becomes Elouise, which just sounds like you’ve misspelled Louise?

I also think it could be written e-loise… An electronic version of the name. Better than  e-louse (an AI version of a woodlouse?).

I was going to be Samantha, but I really don’t feel like I’m one of those. I think its too cuddly and feels like a princess name?

Eloise does sound rather proud and exotic? We all have our own ideas of how words work. Your favourite word might be something I hate. We mentally add connotations onto a word or a phrase. And I no no one called Eloise, I just like the sound… Am I strange?

An art school?

If you could have something named after you, what would it be?

I’d like to be able to open an art school for anyone that wants to be involved. If I had the money to open it, it would be free to artists and art enthusiasts.

Would I name it after me? Possibly. Or call it the CMB art school. I would like to think that it would encourage creativity in all aspects of art. I have an idea of saving a derelict building for perpetuity and the school would be housed within it.

I would also try and involve local schools to seed the idea of arts and crafts in the children’s minds. It’s a pipe dream. But I like it.


If you had to change your name, what would your new name be?

I was going to be Samantha, it was one of the names that my parents had considered for me. I suppose that might be the name I would choose? But why would I need to change my name? I hope I never have to.

To change your identity must be a drastic thing to do. I know you can change your name just by telling people, but to be legally accepted don’t you have to do it by deed poll?

Then, there are documents you need to have to identify yourself. Driving licences, energy suppliers, proof of address, background checks for some jobs. Even mortgages or tenancy agreements, or getting married or using the health service.

If you change your name do you tell friends and colleagues? What will they think? Maybe you are trying to get away from someone or somewhere. Life is complicated enough without a change of name. So no I’m not going to change.

I do know people who have changed their names for whatever reason. They were happy to change, but it just felt strange to me. I have accepted the new names but I still think of them as their original names.

Curry dragons eye

A mad idea, a curry dragon! I was just going to write about a nice curry we ate and I was looking for a photo but my finger slipped and I chose this photo instead. But a curry dragon, why not? There have been soup dragons that lived with the clangers that lived on a moon on TV in the sixties and seventies. Now I could imagine a hot fiery and spicy curry that could fly away and set fire to the table.

Four eyes

When I was little I used to get called ‘four eyes’ because I was wearing glasses. It was hurtful and upsetting but I don’t think I really understood why other children were calling me that. It didn’t help having an unusual name. Kids would shout names at me like ‘blueband’ (a name of a margarine). I realise now I was being bullied. I was only about seven or eight and I hated it.

What’s in a name..?

Leonhard Seppala

Image from Wikipedia, I hope I am not infringing copyright.

A name popped up on TV today, an unusual surname, but one I know because I have a friend who has that name.

Have you heard of Leonhard Seppala (spelt with an h). He was part of several sled teams in 1925 that got serum to Nome in Alaska to save people from diphtheria. He went 261 miles in a snow storm to help get the serum to them. The dog sleders efforts was commemorated by the Iditorod annual dog sled race.

I hope he is related to my friend. I think Seppala is a Scandinavian name? It will be interesting to find out.

Quiz name?


I’m part of a quiz team which is meeting online for the first time, and we need to decide on a name for us.

It’s complicated because the team will be videoconferencing and texting at the same time… Technology. As they say its a steep learning curve.

Then of course there’s the questions. I think there might be a theme to them. When I went to a ‘real life’ quiz run by the same people the theme was seasonal. I don’t have a clue about the questions. As long as they are not music or sports based.

So wish us luck and hopefully by Monday we’ll have a name.



A name just came spiralling out if nowhere into my head…Archibald Cotton…

I dont think I have ever met anyone by that name, but it sounds friendly. I imagine him as a Victorian pottery worker. Stuck in a hot bottle kiln, walking up and down ladders with boards balanced on his head. The boards would have saggars filled with pots on them. Men would carry  heavy boards up into the kiln to load it. The saggers were pottery boxes that had  ware (pottery) put into them, to protect the pottery from the intense heat and smoke from the firing.

I imagine Archibald working as a child or older youth as a sagger makers bottom knocker. If I remember rightly they put the bottoms on the saggars, one of the lowest paid jobs in the pottery industry.

Archibald would have progressed to one of the other jobs in the potbank as he got older. Maybe a fettler, a sponger, lithographer, warehouse man. Maybe he left the potteries and became a miner, or worked on the railways or in the shelton steel works

When I remember the Stoke-on-Trent I came to live in a few decades ago, I think of the old empty pot banks, warehouses, derelict buildings. An industrial archeologists dream. Archibald might have done archaeology…a fitting name for that profession. He might have investigated the ruins of the 13 th century Hulton Abbey, in Abbey Hulton.

Perhaps this name conjured from my imagination really existed. I wonder if I would have liked to have met him?