Curry dragons eye

A mad idea, a curry dragon! I was just going to write about a nice curry we ate and I was looking for a photo but my finger slipped and I chose this photo instead. But a curry dragon, why not? There have been soup dragons that lived with the clangers that lived on a moon on TV in the sixties and seventies. Now I could imagine a hot fiery and spicy curry that could fly away and set fire to the table.

Hot chilli

Oops, just made the mistake of adding too much chilli to our tea. My mouth has that bitter burning sensation that makes you want to drink something long and cold (possibly a pint of milk). I only intended to add a little flavour, and I deseeded the chilli (I only ever use one), perhaps it was very ripe. It certainly was a flavour enhancer with added oregano and garlic. I think my stomach is regretting my spice choices. Oh dear!

Friendly flowers

Nasturtiums like poor soil. They have large seeds about the size of a pea. I think they would be great for children to grow. You can plant them in succession over a few weeks and they first put out tendrils with umbrella shaped leaves. When it rains droplets gather on their leaves. Then in late summer, or early autumn the flowers appear. Trumpet shaped, the flower from pale yellow to deep red, with diffeepatterns and stripes as well as full colour ones. You can eat the spicy leaves and flowers in salads or on cold soups. I think the victorians used to use them as food decorations.

Spicy salmon and pasta

I decided to cook some salmon and I usually use a tomato pasta sauce and cook fuselli pasta. This time I made my own sauce from scratch. I don’t know if its the right thing because I’m not a chef, I just cook.

Recipe (serves two)

Two salmon fillets

1 or 2 cloves of garlic

1 large flat mushroom

A handful of green olives, de-stoned

Half a tin of tomatoes

Olive oil

Half a teaspoon of lazy chilli

Dried Basil.

Method (how I did it)

Crush the garlic cloves and fry gently in the olive oil (other oils could be used)

Put a pan of water on to boil for the pasta

Once the garlic is softened I placed the salmon skin side down in the pan. You can skin it first if you don’t like it.

Chop the olives into small pieces and add to the frying pan with the chilli.

If the saucepan of water is boiling add the pasta (a couple of handfuls) and lower to a fast simmer.

Slice the mushroom in thin pieces and add to the frying pan. Make sure all the pieces of veg and salmon are turned frequently so they don’t burn and stick on the pan.

Add half a tin of peeled plum tomatoes or chopped tomatoes.

Sprinkle in some basil to taste (not too much).

Then get some fresh cherry tomatoes and add them to the pan. Turning all the ingredients and cooking long enough to soften the fresh tomatoes. The salmon should be cooked through but not overcooked.

Drain the pasta. Add salt and pepper to taste (I didn’t bother) I like my pasta slightly Al dente (a bit chewy).

Serve the Salmon/sauce mix on top of the pasta.

I hope it’s nice, spicy and edible?