A Dragon for Chinese New Year

Just a sketch of a dragon using Artrage app. I tried to use metallic paints to give it a sheen. I have to say it didn’t turn out as neat as I would have liked but I’m using a stylus instead of my finger. It’s controllable but in fact I’m not used to using it that often. Anyway enjoy Chinese new year. X

Paintings for a friend

Over several months a friend has been collecting some of my smaller paintings. She sent me this photo of them yesterday and it struck me how varied they are!

The galleon painting has gold paint on it to give a feeling of the sunlight reflecting back up onto the reverse of the sails.

The small painting of the woman in the woods was taken from a photo from a friend, I loved the atmospheric feeling of it and tried to evoke the colours of autumn.

The dragon is based on an image that I had created for my college piece on the mythology of dragons. I had drawn and designed a children’s book and this was one of the ideas I used for it.

I’m so pleased my art is being appreciated, I love being creative and it keeps me going. X

Dragon sketch…

A dragon drawing, I found a spiky line on the sketching app that really made this look interesting. I did my final major project at college on Dragons last year. So when I find a new way to represent them I like to experiment.

This is done in two apps, the initial line work was done on Sketcher app and then I exported it and opened it up in Artrage because the tools there are more flexible for colouring in and it also has metallic and Glitter options. I like it.


Sunday’s #bandofsketchers prompt was Myth. Oh what to do? I am in love with gryphons, unicorns, winged horses and many other things, but as my most recent study was about dragons, I chose to draw one. I started out with three pens held together to try and create a triple image, but the middle pen had dried out. So I finished off with two. If you look carefully you can see the outline of two other eyes below the ones I have outlined. Then I coloured it in with metallic felt pens. I might do more to it but this is good enough as a sketch.

Dragon thoughts

Looking back on the first half of 2022, I was struggling to finish my Illustration course. But things weren’t too bad and I was OK eventually. Then in the last six things got worse through illness and loss. So I have decided not to make an actual resolution, but I have decided to be more ‘dragon’ this year, I will try and be stronger and more thoughtful, patient and brave (but no fierce temper!). The illustration is from a drawing I did last summer.

Curry dragons eye

A mad idea, a curry dragon! I was just going to write about a nice curry we ate and I was looking for a photo but my finger slipped and I chose this photo instead. But a curry dragon, why not? There have been soup dragons that lived with the clangers that lived on a moon on TV in the sixties and seventies. Now I could imagine a hot fiery and spicy curry that could fly away and set fire to the table.

Had to…

I saw a dragon

Hiding in plain sight

Standing by graffiti

Under a street light

But when I looked away

And looked again

I say!

The dragon it was gone

It decided not to stay!

I just wanted a pic

On my phone

But it was too quick!

So sadly all I have

Is its tail- just the tip

And a shower of loose scales

One of many epic fails!

Goodbye dragon

And now you’re gone!

To a new home

My little dragon painting has gone to a new home tonight. The new owner is really pleased with my quirky painting that I created while studying illustration. My final major project was about varieties of dragons and how they have been depicted from the earliest times across the globe. The idea could have been based on dinosaur fossils that ancient civilisations may have found. They would not have had any way to date the bones and may have seen them as contemporary to them or living within their recent history.