He used to climb

When he was young he used to climb

But I had no head for heights

He’d climb down cliffs

Or up tall pikes

While I stood by in fear

He’d disappear below my view

And I would cower in dread

Till he came back from his perch

On steps above the sea.

He never slipped, or dropped or fell

I was so proud of him

While I crawled on hands and knees

A victim of vertigo,

Atop the smallest hill!

Now he had fallen out of sight

Never to reappear

But I will wait and hope one day

I’ll join him safely, my fate?

Sky this afternoon

I sat and watched the sky, there was an interesting looking cloud, but it was too bright to see initially because if the low sun. Then after a few minutes the cloud gradually crept over the sun. We needed to rest as we were on our walk around our local hill. Sitting on the bench I could feel a cold breeze ruffling my hair and I pulled my coat a bit closer. Apparently a storm is due tomorrow so the gusts of wind might be the beginning of it.

Sunsets missed

I live on the wrong side of the hill. On the other side is where the sun sets. If I see the clouds turning pink I jump in the car to try and catch a view of the sunset! I’ve only seen a few in the last few years, I don’t know when they will be happening. I guess I could look at the times that the sun goes down on line, then I could be there and see the beautiful view. I wish I could afford to buy a house over there.

Sunset clouds

Loved tonight’s sky, even though we are on the wrong side of the hill…our house is in shadow about two hours before the sun sets. We get good silhouettes! I grabbed my phone and took a picture. If I’d wanted to get to the sunset I would have had to jump in the car, turn round, drive up and over the hill and find somewhere to park. As it was these colours were fleeting, lasting only a few minutes. I only saw it because the light reflected into our kitchen and made it glow.

Uphill walk

Today I walked into Stoke by walking Uphill, (and then downhill again).. I’m a bit unsteady on my feet. It sounds strange but because I shake and my arm goes stiff and my foot clenches a bit I feel very nervous of tripping and falling. I look down more than up, watching my feet instead of looking at the view. But I need exercise. I cannot just sit on my chair and wait to become completely dilapidated like these old bottle ovens. My arm and hand hurt holding the phone while I type. But I won’t stop. Life, it gets to you sometimes! But I can walk Uphill!

Red sky at night

I wish I lived on the other side of the hill.

Red sky at night! Wish I could have got up the hill. But it faded quickly after taking this shot. I’ve seen a couple of photos on Facebook which were taken by other people.

A gale force wind and storms are forecast for later tonight up in the north of the UK. But that’s mainly Scotland. Hopefully this means that the weather here will be OK. Its still a long time till spring. Lots of cold, wet, windy weather still to come.

Reflected sky

I love doing this, mirroring a sky in layout app so it looks like the sky has been reflected in a calm sea or lake. I should try and draw on it to attempt to make the lower part look like real water. Possibly by adding slight wavelets or sparkling reflections. This was today’s sunset as the hill being our house was silhouetted by the growing dark.

Walking today

Three walks around and about today totalling 11.97km (almost 7.5 miles)

Two were around the university then a late walk once things had cooled down this evening. I walked up our steep hill and saw the sunset, I didn’t get a good photo of it, then on and around the top of our hill before descending again. I know I’ve gone far enough because my feet and ankles are aching.

I came home to an errant bumble bee. We tried to put it outside but it must have flown back through an open window because I caught one of my cats looking like it was about to pounce on it. In the end I used the mug and envelope technique and it was transported safely out of the back door and flew off onto the night.