Lost reflection

Almost a year

She left us almost a year ago

Gone somewhere else, I don’t know.

A face I’ll never see again

Unless on a screen that isn’t used

And only occasionally appears

As a memory of a reflected moment…..

She thought that?

She agreed with that?

A smile twitches my lips

She agreed with me?

Then the memory fades

The face crumples

I cry again.


Symmetry with cats

Alien plants?

Symmetry makes interesting patterns. I took a few photos of my kitchen window ledge a few days ago and then tried using a vertical mirroring to create something different and unusual. Something you wouldn’t see unless it was in a reflection. I always think it’s worth doing this because it can look really alien. This photo has a large cat doorstop in it at the back, a Spanish pot with a tile design pattern and a large, dark pink cactus. But I can see a face, with pink hair and a moustache at the front with dark eyes and nose? The cats could be like conjoined twins, like a Greek mythological monster. And the cactus leaves in the middle seem to show a green face with an open mouth. Why not try this yourself?

Watching Sci-fi

I’m watching one of the Star wars movies so I thought I’d create a digital image that reflects the power of the film sets. Full of massive architectural shapes and dark power. This though is a plastic star we have hanging in the living room. I’ve duplicated and twisted it, then added texture and overlays of a lightning storm. Figuring out how to produce an interesting image takes my mind off things.

I see a face.

Light and shadow  become a mask. Eyes in shadow, high cheekbones. Flight of fancy? Do you see it? The light was cast onto the wall and the green and brown strands are the stems and leaves of a spider plant. The image has been mirrored so that there is vertical symmetry. It feels like a view of a cinema screen and could be a super hero or villa. I think it looks like a cross between spiderman and batman!

Smile in the sky

I continue to play with multiple photos, mostly I don’t know what I will get as an image. I rotate the photos round. When I do that you get four versions of a picture. In this case by having the dark areas at the top and bottom, and putting the curved white cloud towards the centre I get an apparent smile. But look closely at the horizontal centre of the picture you can vaguely see two eyes? My pareidolia again….