Two cats together

It’s hot, and the cats have come into the living room to enjoy the breeze from our oscillating fan. They won’t sit right in front of it but are off to one side so they can feel a bit cooler. I’ve got the back door open for once after dosing myself up with hay-fever spray. Usually the windows and doors stay firmly shut but it’s hot AND humid tonight. It’s rained for a bit so that’s cooled the atmosphere slightly. Meanwhile the cats just decided to mooch off somewhere else xxx

Garden in sunshine

A less blurry shot of the yard. People asked me why its not as dried out? I think we have a microclimate. The yard is enclosed by bushes and the houses. The sun comes round in the afternoon but doesn’t stay on it for too long because we are on the ‘wrong’ side of the hill so it gets shady at East an hour before sunset. I also think because there’s a wall and we cram plants together everything stays moist. I have trouble drying my washing because it gets quite humid. Also because I put one hanging basket under another when one gets watered it flows through to the bottom one. And as they are underneath they are a bit more protected from the hot sunshine. Each pot has a bowl or a saucer underneath to catch and keep the water and I make sure each pot has crocks or broken polystyrene in them so the roots don’t get swamped.

Humid day

Humid but no rain sadly. The air is sticky with moisture. The storms we have been promised haven’t materialised. We got out and walked round Trentham lake because our neighbours are doing building work and digging up the land next to our garden. This was despite my back hurting as I got in the car. But I think the walk has helped. We managed to get round slowly and the breeze off the lake has helped. It’s still humid but I do feel better.

At the exhibition

Me with my coast painting at the three counties open. It’s got a red dot ( not on the photo) because it’s sold. I have to day I felt privileged to be amongst such talented artists. There were around 100 pieces of art and maybe 300 people? It was very hot, humid and crowded. We stayed till the speeches were over but then I had to get out.. I felt overwhelmed and claustrophobic. I was ready to run! At one stage a wasp came in the window and I almost knocked a man over trying to dance out of its way! Pirouetting with a glass of wine in one hand and flapping uselessly with the other. I wish I’d worn a mask. Nice to see old friends but after just over an hour we escaped…



And humid

Watering the yard

The moisture level outside is about 85%, I’ve got the fan on and the windows closed to keep the heat out. All my hanging baskets had wilted this afternoon despite heavy rain a couple of days ago. Sorry to go on about my garden but I enjoy showing it off. It does need work though. X

We don’t have droughts like other countries but we do sometimes have heathland fires occasionally. We are more prone to flooding. Apparently we have tornadoes but I’ve never seen one and they’re only small scale here.

Weather, what the British talk about. X

Urban sketchers Stoke-on-Trent challenge today


Drawn on my tablet in a sketching app.

I didn’t write much because I continued to watch and video the storm. The little films are on my Facebook page, I might try adding them to my Instagram page too.

I’ve never experienced lightening like that. Like a pot on the boil, every couple of seconds there was a flash or actual forked lightening across the sky. Just checked Facebook. Someone’s power went out and their hair stood on end. More worryingly a chimney pot blew off. We then had torrential rain for a while. It’s quieter now but my friends in America said that it looked like the kind of storm they get in Arizona? Still a few bright flashes. Still hellishly hot and humid. Glad I unplugged my computer….


There is a thunderstorm to the west of us. I managed to take one shot of a very bright sky but I could only get a picture of them by videoing it. I don’t think I have enough memory to post that. I’ve also included a screenshot of the current storm from blitzortung, a Web site that shows live lightening strikes. It’s mad. You know the scene in the War of the worlds with lightening but no rain.. Its like that, except you can hear it rumbling away, we saw lots of forked lightening flashing horizontally across the clouds.

I switched my plug to the washing machine off. I don’t want the cb board to be fused like it did on my old one.


Sun through cloud


The sun was shining through the clouds at Spode this afternoon giving everything a moody look.

Grey clouds, leaden

A glimmer of sun

Bright, yellow, hot

Sizzles through the clouds.

Humid heat festers

Industrial view languishes

Only a few plants

And a cat sleeping in the dust,

But alive,

Better than ruins.