White bridge, Etruria

Spanning the Cauldon Arm of the Trent and Mersey canal. This white painted metal bridge arcs over the canal near the Etruria Industrial museum. The steps are metal too so when people walk over it their steps ring metallicaly.

The other side is a car park on Kilndown Close. This is where Canada geese used to congregate, but netting has been tied to the fencing to keep them off (possibly because of bird flu?). They still swim on the canal.

Notice the sky? It was blue with puffy white clouds floating in it. Today was the best day we have had for a while. There was even a hint of heat from the sunshine despite a strong wind that was rippling the surface of the canal. Lovely bridge, lovely day.

Chocolate and oatcakes

Afternoon tea, a couple of cheese ant tomato Staffordshire oatcakes with a dab of brown sauce and a hot chocolate with squirty cream, marshmallows and a tiny jammy dodger biscuit with a ram heart at its centre, presumably for valentines day? (which I have hubby). We had this at Westport Lake visitors centre. We sat on the balcony in a slightly chilly breeze, overlooking the lake. The geese were calling, I think they wanted bird food. But we couldn’t feed them because there us bird flu in the area and feeding a flock can help spread it. The latest news is that it has jumped species to small mammals which is very worrying. Anyway, sorry to put a downer on this post!


We had a little walk today and came across these three goslings taking a stroll along the canal towpath with their mom and dad. The parents were very protective and we made sure we kept away from them. I snuck a quick shot and then cropped it later so that they are easier to see. I think they have slightly longer legs than ducklings. They can’t be very old as they are so small. (parents were Canada Geese).

Geese reflected

A double reflection, strangely the bottom photo if flipped but the geese look the right way up?

I think this is two parents and a large family of goslings.

The grey light and the minium ripples give the reflections a better clarity. The water looks like quicksilver, it has a metallic sheen. This is a gentle, slow and harmonious image. Peaceful and almost monochromatic. The birds silhouettes could be cut outs. Like the set of three flying ducks people used to have on their walls. Usually with one duck hanging down for comic effect.

Animal with a ‘G’

A question on an art page asking what they should make in needle felting. They are doing a series of animals in alphabetical order.

I can think of a few.

Goat, gazelle, geese, gecko, gnat, goldfish and giraffe.

What unusual animals can you think of? I like thinking of things like this, good for the memory. It has to be things that you think of, not what you ‘Google’, 😂

Feeding the geese

Feed the birds.

£2 a box

There’s a song there somewhere? One of our things we do when we walked round Westport lake. The birds were all round us, pecking our toes. Trying to get the food out of my hand. Even in this weather they want feeding. Ducks, Geese, Goslings, Coots and Moorhens and a solitary Swan.

The birds still have babies, a bit bigger than yesterday, they haven’t all flown the nest yet. It was lovely to see them.

Not enough heart points

Walking in the almost 30°C heat, in full sunshine is uncomfortable and tiring. I’m not used to those temperatures here in the UK. We are basically lucky to get a few days of tepid sunshine in the summer and it generally heats up more in August.

So anyway, I have a small challenge with myself to do 5000 steps a day or hopefully more, and to get up to 20 heart points by walking faster than usual. But by the time we had walked round the lake I’d done around 4000 steps and 8 heart points, but I guess the heat slowed me down.

Tell me not to obsess about exercise, but I can’t help it, I wasn’t doing any really two years ago….