Mow Cop

Digital drawing for #bandofsketchers prompt. I thought Mow Cop with it’s ‘nooks and crannies’ would do. Still working digitally because I don’t have a spare sketchbook and I still can’t get out the house. This is in Artrage and I did a digital finger painting. Swapping between the drawing and a Wikipedia photo so it’s not accurate. I liked the metallic effects.

Are you bored yet?

Adding some swirliness to mimic a digital style I like. Why shouldn’t digital and analogue ideas merge? I’m not channelling Van Gogh, just having a bit of fun with texture. I’m going to calm down the Green glasses and add some silver or gold to them… I need to work out how the sky will look. But now… A rest!

Being pestered on Instagram

A comment on my Instagram photo of my cat offers me the opportunity to sell my work as NFTs. I know NF stands for Non Fungible (transactions?). I noticed that a friend of mine has had a similar proposal offered to her. I immediately got that sinking feeling that this is dodgy. My images are covered by my copyright, but what happens if you start selling digital images. Aren’t they sold via crypto currency? How is it converted into something tangible. My art is OK but I wouldn’t say it was exceptional. Isn’t this just a bit of ego polishing? Like vanity publishing, and who gets any profit. I have friends who were going to set up an NFT gallery with a lot of friends art last year, but after a while I didn’t hear anything more. But the thing that really put me off was the silly Trump NFTs which were sold for masses of money, but almost instantly crashed a few weeks later. Until the whole thing is regularised I won’t touch it with a barge pole!


I must do more ‘real’ or analogue art. I mean physical art, not digital drawing or photography. I loved doing these lino cuts as part of my MA final major project. I liked trying to learn a new skill. I could also create cards for sale by doing this. I would maybe use acrylic paints instead of ink? Then I could play with the colours. And by using a lino cut twice but by offsetting the print slightly I could get interesting fringes of colour around the images. Lots of ideas. I just need to do them.

Blue roses

Another Sketchfu. I think that there would be a reference photo and artists at the site would try and copy them. These roses must have been put in dye so that it would be sucked up into their petals. I’ve also seen multicoloured roses and other flowers where the stems are split so different sections get a different colour.