
It’s a drawing of Marylin Monroe I did at a website called sketchfu about 11 years ago. It was a very basic site but it got overwhelmed with users. The owners became difficult to contact as they were setting up a new site called Muzy. Sadly Sketchfu closed. I managed to save a lot of my drawings but I know a lot of artists lost theirs  and must have been very disappointed when it closed.

Another portrait

Oh I am forgetful! is this Cate Blanchett? I think she played the lady Galadriel in the Lord of the Rings films. I drew this about the time the films came out and it’s another sketchfu digital drawing. It’s not perfect but I am quite pleased with it and have good memories of the site.

Duchovny portrait

Digital drawing I did of David Duchovny about 10 or 15 years ago (when the X files was on TV?).

It’s another one of my drawings at Sketchfu before the website closed. I had a great deal of fun drawing there and it seems so strange not to be able to draw there anymore. I loved doing portraits on the site.

Frodo portrait

Another digital portrait I did on the Sketchfu site. I’m quite pleased that I could use simple tools and create images like this it’s sketchy round the edges because you could only use set sizes of pens, there was no sliding scale of thickness. But there was a good pallette, opacity and transparency tools so I could blend colours to some extent. This is based on a photo of Frodo from the Lord of the Rings film. He is holding his sword Sting.

Digital rose drawing

I used to draw at a website called Sketchfu before it closed. It had simple tools to draw with, no complicated applets, and consequently it was open to a large number of people.

Eventually it became a massive site and the owners lost interest in it. I was a moderator and had to deal with a lot of problems over the years I was there. I won’t go into details but it included bullying and inappropriate language and messages. There were a few of us that were allowed to remove inappropriate content but it was hard work. (I also moderated another site but did not disclose my role). When someone draws the same rude or racist image over, and over again for hours, but you are there deleting them as they appear, they eventually get fed up and stop. But if you admit you are a moderator you get a lot of stick, so I kept quiet. At one stage I was working in a full time job and coming home and doing four or five hours moderating!

Anyway I loved creating digital drawings, including portraits. I loved doing challenges. Someone would post a photo and we had to try and copy it. I’ve just found some of my old pieces so I might post a few of them over the next few days.

My alternative universe

Describe your life in an alternate universe.

Dr Who would be real (what a character!). Scientists would have solved global warming. People would be kinder to each other. There would be enough food to feed the population of the world.

No one would be called a bleeding heart Liberal, because everyone would be. Things would unfortunately happen as normal, like death and taxes, but maybe they would be organised a bit better rather than taking from the poor to give to the rich.

There would be a hypocrite law, basically if you acted like a hypocrite you could be fined for deliberately gaslighting people. I guess there would still be freedom of speech but hate speech would be banned. In my alternative universe we would be in touch with good aliens who wanted to help us survive.

Life would be benign but not boring. And all animals would not be hunted or pushed into extinction. I’m a bit too much of a pessimist though to believe all this could happen.

(I sound like a Miss World contestant from the 1970’s!)

Who’s this memory of?

Digital drawing of David Tennant from ten years ago. Drawn at a now defunct website called Sketchfu. I’d come in from work and go and draw on line to relax. I’ve always loved the BBC Sci fi series Dr Who and David Tennant in the modern era, and Tom Baker in the classic series were my favourite Dr’s.