
Not mine

I have a sore toe, I must have knocked it.. I had a trip to the podiatrist today, we discussed things and think I must have stubbed my foot against something. Unfortunately I am now walking around with a dressing on it. I hope it stays in place. I’m not going into detail but if it hasn’t dried up by next week I might have to have more work on it.

Age is a nuisance, your body doesn’t always work properly and you have things going on you never expect to happen. I’m hoping I can get over this and keep going. Life is a pain sometimes and we don’t get to choose what and when things happen.


We had a walk last night up and down hill so I decided to have a flat walk this morning. One of my feet hurt, but I thought it was just a bit of an ache from yesterday. We walked very slowly round the lake because it hurt. I felt miserable but we stopped for a hot drink and I felt a bit better.

It was only when I took my shoe off that I saw I had split one of my small toenails from the end down to the quick, it’s sort of hanging off (I’m not showing a photo of it). I rang my podiatrists but they are short staffed and everyone is fully booked. I rang my GP (General Practitioner) but they have no one to deal with it. Waiting for a phone call or I might have to make a private appointment. Thank goodness the car passed its MOT, I might just be able to afford it! Hubby said he will get a pair of pliers if I wanted! No!

Golfers elbow, too much phone use?

I was recently diagnosed with golfers elbow, and should be resting my arm, but I think it’s partly being cause because of my shaking arm. I’m trying to hold it still but I think that’s causing the muscles on the inside of my elbow to tighten and clench. That being said it hurts when I hold my phone in my left hand, but I would have thought my right arm would be involved too? Anyway I think I will blog more on my pc and rest my arm. Isn’t life wonderful?!


Ow! I was getting some paintings out of the car boot today and I pulled the door down and hit my nose. It really hurt so I rubbed it as you do and everything seemed OK. I hadn’t hit the bridge of my nose. So nothing broken. I went into Spode and priced up my work. Hubby didn’t tell me I had a cut on my nose. I spoke to several people, no mention! Either I looked so rough that they didn’t want to say anything, or it didn’t look that bad, or they were just very polite. Anyway, I only noticed it because it’s started to hurt and it felt rough under my finger, so yes, ouch!


I am going to try and keep doing things but over the weekend I have hurt my wrist and thumb somehow. I’m taking painkillers and have it strapped up. I will try and get in the doctors today. I don’t want to stop but I can’t draw well. The sketch was done on my tablet with a stylus and just holding that was a pain. I’m typing by holding my hand still and moving the phone round underneath it. Ouch

Sore shoulder

Three months on and I’m still doing exercises set by the physiotherapists a while ago. I’m still in pain, but it’s getting a bit better. I am trying to stretch my arm up above my head. And I also have to try the build up my shoulder muscles. Frozen, or in my case, a freezing shoulder is not very nice. I hope it’s going to get better over the next few months. X

Heated wheat bag

My shoulder has decided to play up, I’m in a lot of pain, I’m trying to get a doctors appointment but in the meantime I’ve got a lavender scented wheat bag that you microwave and then put on the affecting ed area. It smells nice but I’m not sure it’s actually helping. Maybe I need embrocation! The worst thing is how tired I feel. That’s why I’ve not been here today….

Dry, sore hands


Washing my hands regularly, using sanitiser, washing up liquid. I try and use moisturiser but it doesn’t help. I keep going with it though. I really want my hand to heal. But every time I wash up, even with gloves, makes it bad again. It started on my little finger and spread. I’m fed up with it. Been going on for months.


Whisky over ice


Something to calm my toothache!

Lockdown means the dentists are closed and when they open they have said they will only take emergencies. So I’m sucking paracetamol (only the recommended dose) and slowly sipping some whisky. I also got some toothpaste for sensitive teeth. I think I’m grinding them when I’m asleep. I’ve got things I need to do and this, plus a family problem has made me feel very down in the dumps.

Still I can’t stick my head (or my teeth), in the sand. I will have to try and sort myself out tomorrow. Life goes on….