
Not My house.

Six months after he died and I’m still stuck. It’s hard to move things, clear them away. I feel like I’m walking through treacle. I’ve got too much stuff, mine and his. I’m still holding tight to things.

Can I donate to charity? Or sell things? Or bin things? But I’m still attached. I can’t do anything but look at things, I rarely move any of it. My mind is fused into a lump of static thoughts, unable to move on.

Maybe I’m overdramaticising the situation? I don’t know, but I think it might take years to get sorted out. I’ve done a lot of the legal stuff and paperwork, but forty years of belongings, especially when you have been with someone for so long, are hard to organise.

Stuck in Wales

My sister is broken down in a car in Wales, her clutch has gone. She’s been waiting for the breakdown service for about four hours! They keep saying they are sending someone but it’s getting late, and cold. Why they advertise a service when they can leave someone on their own late at night. So of course I’m worried about her. I will keep ringing her back until I know she is safe. I cannot go to her because she is about eighty miles away in a town I don’t know. So if you read this please just send her good wishes. X


What have you been working on?

I am struggling to do things again. This incident with the theft from the garden has knocked me back. I’m jumpy and sent hubby out into the garden tonight to see if there was anyone about because I heard noises. It was only the neighbours thankfully.

I want to be doing art, drawing, experimenting, painting. But life keeps bashing me. I’m not happy to think I will never do things again. I think I can work my way through things, I’m just not sure.

Meanwhile I’m sitting watching TV, or listening to the radio. Hopes are low, but I still have them. So busy doing nothing as the song goes, but hopefully not for long.

Oh to be out and about x

Let me step out with confidence, stay upright, measure my steps. Just hoping I can do this again soon. It doesn’t matter where I go as long as its somewhere out of these four walls. I refuse to become housebound. I’m too young for this!

Talking to the nurse this afternoon, I explained how I’d originally hurt my leg, the car door had been caught by the wind and had swung into my leg. She said it happens more often than you think.

Places I want to visit? The seaside, relatives, local visitor centres, anything interesting.

Flower head

A planter I made about thirty years ago, I really wish I’d planted it up with lobelia like this but it got a bit late. It’s had snapdragons in it this year but they have got a bit straggly. I hope when I get a bit better I will be able to get out and rearrange things a bit. Summer is passing by and I’m stuck. Sorry to be grumpy.

Fat cat wore cat flap!

Late last night, as I was sleeping in my armchair, there was a curious clattering noise. I woke up to see my big cat walking into the living room with the door of the cat flap and the surrounding plastic bit stuck round his belly!

A few years ago I had to replace the flap and the bit around it because he had battered the original flap trying to get through it. It was before he was our cat and he used to sneak in and pinch the other cats food. The replacement is a bit small so it can fall out if it’s treated roughly.

It was very amusing seeing him wearing the door as a skirt! He was soaking wet from the rain. Looking like a black and white otter! I released him from his trap. He fell asleep on the chair next to me.

Too many pictures

How do I reduce the size of my saved photos? I’m getting close to my limit again, so I’m still deleting pictures off blogs. But ideally I want to keep the photos. I could go into a post and edit each individual image, reducing the file size to medium or small? I’d only have to go through thousands of posts? I can’t afford to increase my WordPress /Jetpack package. So I’ll keep fudging things and deleting my most fuzzy or boring photos… Maybe I’ll win the lottery?


How do you balance work and home life?

Balance, what’s that?

Retired: bored or busy?

Sometimes life sucks

Other times it’s lovely.

Time passes quickly

Flowers grow, and fade

Trees shed leaves

And bud.

Stay up late

Lose the daylight

A twylight time?

Prevaricate and regret…

Loss of what’s left…

I should work more

But my mind is tied

In gossamer threads

Of nothing…

Frustrated by

My lack of

Vision and


To do more…


Thank you to my hubby for rescuing me this morning. I was trying to get out of bed. I swung my legs out but ended up floundering on the edge. Half in and half out. My hubby came round and assisted me. I felt my bum sliding off the edge of the bed. I think. I was short of oxygen. I feel weak as a kitten. I hope this doesn’t get worse.