Time management!

Not my artwork!

What’s one small improvement you can make in your life?

I need to start going to bed earlier. I’m always up late and it’s not good, then I get insomnia and I get up late. It’s a real dilemma to face. Not working also means I don’t have a routine to follow, and recent events have made me worse. I need to get out in the sunshine and boost my vitamin D but it’s easier to sit and feel anxious.

How do I do one thing to get me going again? Perhaps I should set my alarm every morning? Yes I could sleep through it, but at least it might give me the incentive to do things. Normally by the time I get up its after noon….

Why? Social media to some extent, and a constant need to watch the news. I’m caught in that dopamine trap of wanting to keep checking my phone, and yet I want to break away from it. I don’t read click bait but I do look at sites about politics a lot. I’m well informed. But why? it just ups the anxiety levels..


I’m not a doctor

Do you have a quote you live your life by or think of often?

I’m not a doctor, but I always think in situations you should ‘first do no harm’. That is something I try and live by. Even when I’m tempted to do something. That said I am no saint. I get angry like anyone else. But you have to try not to get to upset. I wouldn’t hurt anyone, hit anyone, although as I’ve got older I do swear at, or about people. Thankfully that can’t physically harm, although mentally it might hit home?

One of the problems, still, with social media, is the lack of nuance. What is written is in black and white… There are no grey areas unless you create them in your words. For a long time on one particular site a person was being very antagonistic towards me, everything I said seemed wrong to them. We lived in different countries with different traditions and we couldn’t seem to agree on what was the best way to cooperate… I thought I must find a way so I found an important symbol in that country and did a complicated and detailed drawing of it and offered it as an olive branch. Luckily it worked and things became much more harmonious afterwards, we even became friends.

I guess all I can say is try and be diplomatic if you can. You should still tell the truth, but in a constructive way, and try and do no harm. I think hurting someone can only come back and bite you!

Too much!

How do you use social media?

I’m online too much. On various sites. It’s hard not to post similar things on three or four sites. It’s also about the likes and follows that you get. I think its to do with dopamine, you get a buzz from posting and if your phone isn’t in your hand you feel lost!

I think I should make myself use my computer instead. It would force me to go upstairs and do my work up there. It might limit how long I stay on line?

I also need to get outside more. I’m sure I don’t get enough vitamin D. Personally I would use the phone less if I wasn’t connected to the Internet.

So I’m talking about NOT using social media. Perhaps that’s what I really need to consider. Less use, not more!

Hello πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί Russia


Maybe this could be shared?

Hello Russia, I know a very few people read my blogs over there and I want to say something about what is happening in Ukraine.

People, Children, women and men are dying there. Cities are being attacked. Innocent civilians are being shelled. We have seen video of apartments and schools and hospitals being bombed and attacked. Children suffering cancer no longer get the treatment they need. Why are you doing this? Don’t you care?

This is not a special operation. This is WAR.

These are war crimes. This is murder. There are ordinary people being killed. Your soldiers are not fighting a just war, please try and ask yourselves whether your cities are being bombed?

Putin says the leader of Ukraine is a neo nazi. He is actually a man of Jewish descent, he was an actor, he is just fighting for his country.

This WAR could escalate. Why? We were at peace, there was no hate. Two weeks ago Putin massed 190,000 troops on Ukraines borders, now they are on Ukrainian soil. Killing, destroying homes, making people homeless. We need PEACE NOT WAR.

Sending love and respect to Russians. Please listen and think.

Update, Russian army shelled the largest nuclear power station in Europe (six times bigger than Chernobyl) and started a fire. Fire is out but it could release massive nuclear fallout. Is Putin mad?

Change one letter. Word play.

Lots of these things on Facebook. I posted change one letter to make a different meaning to a food and drink…..

I started with ‘Gin and Toxic’….

People have written ‘mice crispies’, ‘ baked jeans’, ‘rile noodles’, ‘hop dog’, ‘fish and ships’, ‘car food’ and ‘hot fog’. I think playing with words is fun. Most of the posts you see online are changing a letter in a song or a band, but food and drink seems to work well. I hope you think these are funny!

Poppy seed fake?


One minute I’m looking at various art online because I wanted to research a particulate artist. The next I’m falling asleep because of being very tired. The trouble is I was still holding my phone and my finger was poised over the keypad. Oops! The next thing I knew my finger was close to an ‘add to basket’ button. I’d almost bought a Β£200 painting! It was very nice, but I have several bills to pay this month….

Note to self, put the phone down if you are going to fall asleep!

On the naughty list?

Is big brother watching us? Sometimes posts get put on social media that are wrong or mistaken, not deliberately but by lack of knowledge perhaps. . I’m in a group that has had warnings about misinformation a couple of times. No indication why. The mistaken Post was about the colour of reindeer eyes?!? Not political or racist, not anti one religion or another, just a shared post with a misleading photo. It’s strange, it’s as if the police are taking action for someone lighting a sparkler on bonfire night when the Houses of Parliament are about to be attacked by Guy Fawkes on November the 5th. So what can we do about it? There’s no information what to do? Delete the post? Yes, but does that remove any threat to take further action? I just don’t know. But it feels like being on Santa’s naughty list!


Funny questions, why do they ask. Looking at social media I see questions like this quite frequently. Some people answer, others say it is a way of gathering information. I’ve started giving weird answers. My answer to this was: the rightious indignation of honey bees.

I like words so it’s fun to make up strange answers. Why should people know what I ate for lunch? Or which side of the bed I sleep on. Or how long ago I ate a biscuit? An hour ago…. There I go sharing personal information again… And my password for everything is not drowssap either!

Talking, but not listening

So many of us throw our voices out into the ‘blogosphere’, saying things we hope others will hear. But dies anyone really listen? Like a TV or radio signal escaping into space, are out missives actually picked up by anyone? The sounds might bounce off local planets and jiggle their atmospheres a bit, but after that… Our voices are lost in the dark, out beyond Pluto and the Oort cloud. Or trapped in a thin layer of atmosphere closer to us, bouncing off a personal ‘heavyside’ layer, trapped and echoing until the waves of speech are frittered and frayed away.

WordPress, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, what are they for? Free speech or an echo chamber to stop us thinking? You decide. I am undecided.