Feeling owlish

Finger drawn owl

Using the digital drawing app on my phone I just did this. There is no chance of it being celtic as its a finger drawing and my arm shakes too much to draw straight or neatly curved lines.

Still it was fun to use the mirrored curves tool (what is it called?) to create this. I liked adding a bit of p


I was looking at this tiny moth or butterfly and decided to take a photo. Not easy without a macro lens. I had to get close enough to take a photo but if I got too close it wouldn’t focus. So I moved away a bit, zoomed in a little bit and leaned on something for stability. (I have a shaking arm and camera shake is an ever present problem). I used the sharpness tool on my phone (only about 2%).

The moth/butterfly is about 2 centimetres wide at its widest part. Pale brown and white. I couldn’t see any antenna. Do moths rest with wings spread out, or closed, that’s why I’m not sure.

Valley view

View of Trent Vale and Clayton from Thistley Hough

We went for a walk in the evening yesterday, and instead of just taking photos I took a small sketch pad with me. I couldn’t draw all the details I could see and because its black and white it’s hard to get shade and tone, but I did my best. The two blobs in the sky were hot air balloons. Too far away to see any detail and they were travelling sideways on to us very slowly (left to right). This took about 15 minutes, just trying to get an impression of the view over the valley. I wish I didn’t shake, my lines are very wobbly!

Celtic cross

Tried to do a celtic cross (wonky). Sponged black paint. Black ink, then watercolour and finally a bit more black ink on top…
#bandofsketchers prompt today is Easter. I did try and copy this from a photo, but my left hand and arm wobble and shake so much its affecting my right arm. Very fed up. Would love to do something more accurate. I think I’d better try and get in the doctors.

Shiver and shake..

My arm and hand (left) keep wobbling and shaking. I think it’s because I’ve got muscle wasting, which is because od my frozen shoulder…. If you watch a kestrel hovering it’s body is buffeted by the wind but its head stays still. My hand is not like that! My hand shakes and I stab at my phone keyboard. Half the time I miss and hit the wrong letters. This has got to get better. The tension in my shoulders is like the weight of the world…. Why do I have to hold it up?

Passed! Phew!

I was so tense when I tried to find my marks for my college course that I was shaking like a leaf! I had tried to stay calm, but I’ve also been trying to do other things too. I’m sure my blood pressure is up!

I finally found I had passed but couldn’t see the marks. Now I’ve found them and it’s OK. But I need to find the feedback to see what I’ve got right and got wrong. This is the worst bit, I hope it’s constructive and that I will be able to improve my scores next time.
