Druid painting finished

I started this in 2018, but it was sitting in my studio so last year before the pandemic happened I tried to finish it off, but I only went in a couple of times. So today I finally finished it, I tidied up some untidy lines, added various dark greens and black. Then I added some magenta, white and iridescent silver and gold to brighten it and add contrast.

I’m happier than I was with it. I think it’s going in the exhibition I’m part of next weekend at the Rigger Venue, Newcastle-under-Lyme. The works I have chosen are all mythical, based on the four ancient elements or the green man idea. Some have been exhibited before. Some haven’t been seen before. X

Exhibiting with Local Artists

I’ve been invited by my friend and fellow artist Eve Travis to join a group of local artists at The Rigger Venue in Newcastle-under-Lyme on the 19th and 20th of June 2021. The idea is to get the art out of galleries and move it into the community. My vision will be images based on the idea of green men and women. Better get some works done.

Bad stench…

Just back from a garden centre in Silverdale, as a treat after yesterday. Unfortunately it is right next to Whalleys Quarry. The stench was vile! We almost turned round and came home. Even I, who lost my sense of smell in an accident, could taste it in the back of my mouth! Disgusting, how people can live with it I don’t know!

Even the lovely smell of the flowers was extinguished by the smell. As we drove away from the garden centre we drove past the main entrance. Hubby opened the window to clear the smell, a bad mistake! Even two miles away there was still a ‘flavour’ in the air. Vile! I feel so sorry for the garden centre staff.

St Giles, Newcastle-under-Lyme

St Giles Church Tower, the oldest part of the church.

Saxon Stone, discovered at an excavation site at Blackfriars Abbey. It preceded St Giles. The Abbey was on the site of the church apparently.

Part of the ancient stones from archaeological digs are laid out on the ground next to one side of the tower, round the back of the church.

Walking back towards Newcastle-under-Lyme Town center after our visit to the church (I didn’t take any photos inside as it was open for prayers for the death of Prince Philip).

Pump in the church yard. This was implicated in an outbreak of cholera. The bodies in the churchyard were very shallow lying, only nine inches deep in places, and and fluids carrying cholera leeched into the ground water.

6.73 mile walk

Walk along the Lyme Valley Park in Newcastle-under-Lyme.

It would have been muddy if it hadn’t been so dry over the last few days.

The sun was setting as we walked. We called in a couple of shops for essentials so I was out for three and a half hours. Note to self, get shopping from somewhere closer to home or take two bags instead of one so you can spread the load.

That was going to be a short walk, but I ended up doing over two miles more. Me and my friend seem to egg each other on. (if we go that way we can do a few more steps?).

I Will have a short walk tomorrow. I need a rest!

Let me go back

Let me go back to 2019

When I played mock mayor

And was wigged in wool hair.

My hubby was wearing

A gown with great bearing

Cross dressed

In his best

In straw hat with beard

While his words were heard

Speaking prattle and tosh

To a crowd all a hush

Paraded the iron market

With oyez oyez, harked

A speech for the day

The people to play

Drink and be glutton

And eat best mutton

Till the end of the day

With nothing to pay.

Mock mayor on that day.

To the world on display…..

Hubby digging

Fork in hand, pulling up weeds, tweed overcoat on, wearing a deerstalker hat, and enjoying a showery morning at Shelton allotments. No sketching challenge today, but we later met with some friends at a social distance so I got my sketch pad out again while enjoying a pleasant coffee in a Portuguese cafe. My nerves were a bit jangly after two seperate meetings with people so I wore a mask on both occasions and gloves when I was weeding. It’s hard to think the world might be going back to normal even though covid 19 is still here.

B(u)y me for Christmas! Exhibition.

I’m really pleased to have some of my paintings up at the Brampton museum and art gallery from 16.11.19 to early January 2020. This is an opportunity for local artists to sell their work in the weeks coming up to Christmas. If you feel like having a look I’d recommend it, there’s lots to see and to buy.

It’s going to be a busy few weeks. Not helped by my having a fall at the weekend. I haven’t painted as much as I wanted and I’ve hardly been out of the house. But I mustn’t let it stop me trying to get things done over the next week or so.

I’m going to do some more green, or snowy men, try and get some cards printed and get some glass jewellery finished off..

Watch this space x