A few old sketches

Drawings from a few years ago at the Dorothy Clive garden that came up on my Facebook memories today. Happier days, when things were not so difficult. Sometimes time should be allowed to go backwards. Even if it’s like the film back to the future. A few hours to tweak the space time continuum. Then I could still be happy. But nil desperandum I need to get on with life. No regrets? I don’t think so.

Digital art 8 years ago

Another semi abstract digital drawing that popped upon my Facebook memories, long enough ago that I can’t remember the apps I used.

I’ve noticed that if I draw profiles of faces I usually draw them facing left. That might be because my right hand might obscure the drawing of they faced right. I did ask some other artists and concluded the left handed ones draw profiles facing right? But the sample size (3 or 4 people) is far too small to draw an accurate conclusion. I also draw horses heads and other animals facing left. I do wonder why.

WordPress changes?

One day things work in a way I understand, then the next day it’s slightly different. Icons and buttons change. It happens here at WordPress, but I think its worse at places like Facebook. It seems like there are more restrictions, changes to what you can see, and more ads.

For instance Facebook reverts to ‘most relevant’ posts even though you want to see all of them. Then if you press like or live to every comment you can get suspended! It happened to me. My hubby had passed away and many people commented about it and because I wanted to thank everyone I got a warning for spam!

Instagram can be a bit confusing too and X. I know the sites want us to have a better experience but sometimes it would be nice to be told.

I don’t know where this came from?

It’s the sort of photo I’d take, but I don’t remember it? It might be something that’s on my phone from a WhatsApp post, so if it is apologies to the owner. I’ve posted this here because I’m a member of a group called the peeling paint appreciation society on Facebook. Some of their images are amazing. I do wonder if some have had the saturation and sharpness enhanced. I feel like I should look out for more interesting images.

Joined and left a page

I joined a fun science page on Facebook this week. But soon realised that there were a lot of sceptics there. For everyone discussing a theory five seemed to be completely anti the facts! I should have laughed but I could not believe it! There were people who were anti everything.. I decided to leave the page.

I also posted to a page about clouds and again there was a discussion about chem trails (saying the condensation trails from aircraft have chemicals pumped out of them!). The trails are water vapour condensing around dust and ice particles in the air. My question to the commenter was to fact check his theory, he told me to check mine. What fun. I give up. Maybe science was taught differently in my childhood….