
After a fitful night I must have finally got to sleep about 7am. So at midday it was annoying to be woken up by my hubby asking if I wanted a cup of tea. I had been in the middle of a lovely dream and I tried to catch the end of it….. the question came again, tea or coffee? Argh! I was dreaming I said. What were you dreaming about. I replied ‘biscuits’! Why? I have no idea! My hubby burst out laughing and carried on for five minutes!

I think my moon sketch looks like a chocolate chip cookie at the moment! ❤️


Looking out of our house, I can see gardens on the side and rear of the house, but a grey factory building in front. I wish we had a view of the sea or countryside. The road in front of our house is on a steep hill, and quite often cars roar up and down it, ambulances rush by with sirens blaring, or motorbikes speed up, exhausts popping and banging. The hill is one of the steepest in the area and seems sometimes to be a racetrack! Oh to see a yatch in the distance, sails catching the rising or setting sun. That would be magical.


My mind is racing, I cannot sleep. My hand has held a paintbrush and suddenly the impetus is there to paint again despite the shaking and wobbling. I started three more small paintings tonight, a kingfisher, then this dragon, and finally a face I’ve called medusa. All works in progress. I think the illustration side of me is leaking into my paintings!