Bones named

Someone on twitter asked ‘what do you know for certain?’ so I had a think about it and came up with something I remember from my human biology class.

The names of the bones of the hand, scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform, trapezium, trapezius, capitate, hamate. The mnemonic to remember it is : Spanish ladies take pills that they can hop. I guess it worked because I still remember them!


What is a constitution and can it be changed?

I’m not going to mention current politics in America, as I’m not an American I don’t have enough knowledge of how it works. But I am going to question whether something has to stay the same in perpituity (forever).

There are some commandments in the bible that are no longer followed, for instance two thousand years ago people were told not to eat shellfish. This was probably sensible then, but as time has gone by and hygiene has improved, this command is no longer relevant.

When some constitutions were written many things were not possible, or not invented – space flight, open heart surgery, flight, trains, etc. So if you follow a constitution set in stone you might not be allowed to use some of these things. Flight being only allowed for birds and bat’s for example.

But if a law is wrong, why not change it? Why not modernise? Why then go back to old fashioned ideas? If you go back where do you stop? Do you take away the vote for everyone but the rich? Do you stop women going out to work? Bring back slavery? There are places in the world where a woman may not drive a car unless accompanied by a man.

Then when you do have rules they get broken, sometimes for good reasons, sometimes for bad. Humans are not perfect. They can make bad decisions, act illegally, cause trouble.

So what can we do? Try and act fairly, act with consideration for others, be polite, try not to overreact to others, but have an opinion, and try to care. That’s all I can come up with.


Woke up to a blue sky with patchy clouds. Do you look for things in the clouds? I thought I could see Yoda in this photo from a few days ago (bottom half of the photo). Strange how the mind works. I guess it’s because you have to be awake and aware as a human being. Maybe you need to see possible threats so pattern recognition is a good thing. I’ve often written about my ability to see patterns. Pareidolia is what it’s called. But yes it’s good to be awake and seeing blue skys. But we do need rain.

Saggy and baggy


No one tells you as you lose weight how saggy and baggy you can get, the weight goes but your skin doesn’t shrink overnight. I have lost a lot over the last three years and now I feel like a half empty balloon! I’m flabby and I need to shrink!

I get into my clothes and everything seems to distribute evenly, but there are bulges I don’t like. Maybe I should get a corset? That’s what my mum and grandmother wore. Does anyone remember liberty bodices? I had to wear one when I was young. Thicker than a vest with clips for stockings, I think it was to get girls used to corsets. Luckily I grew out of it and got vests instead.

I know why I’m not ‘ toned,’ because my job was too sedentary, and being an artist I still do a lot of sitting down. I need more exercise.