Heads up

I’m imagining the back of a playing card with a pattern on it like this? Two profiles facing each other, one turned upside down. It’s based on the idea of the two heads on the King, Queen and Jack cards. Are they designed to read from both top and bottom to make it easier for all players to read them?

I am not a graphic designer so I am not sure what criteria I would need to actually make these, but I’m having fun as I experiment again.. Hope you enjoy my scribbles x


I must do more ‘real’ or analogue art. I mean physical art, not digital drawing or photography. I loved doing these lino cuts as part of my MA final major project. I liked trying to learn a new skill. I could also create cards for sale by doing this. I would maybe use acrylic paints instead of ink? Then I could play with the colours. And by using a lino cut twice but by offsetting the print slightly I could get interesting fringes of colour around the images. Lots of ideas. I just need to do them.

Cards for sale

A mixture of my cards for sale at Etruria Industrial Museum. Mostly green men and sea women, but with a card based on a painting of Cheddleton Station building near Leek, Staffordshire, England. I painted it in 2000, I think. I still have the original.

I have a lot of paintings that I never sold. I’m not a sales person and I don’t think I ever will be. I’m more interested in the process and result than selling art afterwards. I worry my family will be burdened with my art when I die!

Reflected idea

Tuesdays #bandofsketchers prompt was based on the prompt ‘reflection’. I hadn’t got much time, so I based this on a mirrored photo of one of my cats, the little female one.

I took the liberty of changing the colour to hold with different patterns on each cats coat. The hearts are for how much I love my cats, I also feel it looks a bit like a playing card.

Stall set up


I couldn’t fit all my pictures onto the stall today, but I got most of them on, plus some prints.

I got up at 7.40 but dispite trying to be there at 8.30 it was after 9 before I got there….ice to scrape off the car and then slow traffic. I’m lucky it didn’t snow, it was forecast!

The village hall is an old school and we were in the main room. Lots of crafts and charity stalls. I won a few things in the raffle and tombola. We finished about two and then it was time to pack up and try and fit all my paintings in my boxes, that’s an art in itself.



Card design…

I’m playing with the filters on my new tablet and want to know what people think about using them to produce images for cards? They make things look more graphic, but perhaps they are overwhelming

Q. Yes or No.?

My only problem? Wrote this on my tablet but couldn’t see a way of adding categories and tags, so I’ve had to complete this on my phone.

Card illustrations

I did these cards about a year ago. I had taken photos in a friends house because she wanted some home made cards.

If you would like to do something similar all you need I’d a thin black ink pen and acrylic paints thinned down to watercolour consistency. They work as well as watercolours and it saves having to find them out from whatever cupboard I’ve got them in!

I basically drew outlines then filled them in with the paints.

I’ve only done a few more of these. Maybe I will paint more in future.


Here are some photos of my exhibition at Etruria. The show looks pretty good. I’ve sold a few pieces and talked to lots of people. I had a chat with someone from tourist information who was very helpful. I’m hoping that  I can do more work and that people will enjoy what I do. I’m sure I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m always willing to take on commissions so the choice of subject matter can be yours.