My old painting found!

I don’t remember painting this but it must be several years old. I don’t know what I was thinking when I did it. I certainly wouldn’t do this now! It’s too blousy, but it’s got my characteristic patterns. Anyway it was discovered when someone was having a clear out of stuff so perhaps they were not that impressed either. I’m not sure if it’s on canvas or board and it could be when I was still painting in oils. I will have to see. I’d call it a sketch not fine art…..

White rabbit

I couldn’t resist, I’ve never had my photo taken as a white rabbit before. My hubby had his taken as the mad hatter. This was at the New Vic theatre yesterday. The only problem was that I had to really crouch down as the cut out faces were really placed to be the right height for children. I was impressed by the quality of the painting. Whoever painted the Alice in Wonderland characters has a real talent, full of energy and funny.

Printing…. Simply

I have been enjoying some print workshops at college.

We were shown how to create a printing surface by gluing tin foil to a board.

Then you paint it with black acrylic paint or ink.

Use impliments / household objects to make marks on the surface (sponge, pegs, coins, nails, comb etc). Each time you make marks place a sheet of paper on top and rub over with a bunched up pair of socks (stops you ripping the damp paper)

When your prints have dried you can cut them up and collage them. We did self portraits.

Cheap, fun and messy!

On the easel?

Forty years ago at college. I liked painting objects that were not necessarily beautiful. I did a series of oil paintings on board of tin cans. Sometimes on the desk, even propped on an easel.

I think I might have these stored upstairs somewhere. I still have old folders of drawings too. Being an artist is not just about selling things, or fame, it’s about trying to understand your mind. The trouble is, being a mind, it can change. One day I will think about a subject. The next I will have a new idea (or two or three or four?!). I can’t help it. I love it