
Nothing to report…

What a day! Rain so heavy it must have weighed a ton! A few sunny spells. So cold I put the heating on, snuggled down and snoozed.

As I type I can hear the cars splashing through the rain outside and loud drips falling against the window round the back. At least my new plants and hanging baskets are getting well watered. I need to do some more gardening. Potting plants on, but it’s easier to shiver inside.

What else did I do? I watched a few YouTube videos and got out to get some cat food. Sheer excitement. Hence the pretty flowers, it’s less boring than today.

Feels like autumn!

Some leaves are falling despite copious rain. It’s mid may up here in the northern hemisphere, but spring and summer feel far away. What is happening ? Is the climate changing? Maybe it’s a slow motion version of the film the day after tomorrow. Some talk of the Gulf stream current dwindling has been mooted over the last few years. The stream pulls up warm water from the Atlantic up the west coast of Wales and Scotland then on up to the Arctic. This floats above cold water travelling underneath it in the opposite direction. But humans seem to have the ability to mess things up. I have no proof of this. I’m merely speculating. But the weather is cold and grey. I think I’ll take a vitamin D tablet.

Rain again

Water from the sky all day, falling incessantly. Rivulets splashing. Grey sky, rain pouring down, puddles and rushing gutters overflowing. I haven’t been out. Sitting in a warm jumper. I haven’t even opened the curtains! I watched the water running down the window panes in the kitchen, following wriggling lines downwards, drips racing each other to the bottom. Tears from the sky. Such a dark day, concrete coloured clouds and not silver lined. Perfect for ducks! Perhaps it will be better tomorrow?


I don’t know what’s causing this, but I think its because I’ve had my washing up water too hot and I might have used too much washing up liquid? I’m taking time with washing up because I’m struggling to hold onto things and when I use washing up liquid bottle I have to squeeze really hard to get it out. So really I’m using too much. I think I might put it in a smaller container so I don’t get as much on my hands. I’m leaving my rings off for a couple of days and I will try using a little eczema cream on my fingers. Has anyone had similar problems?

Apple tree blossom

Last year we got some blossom on our apple tree but very few fruit. This year despite cold wet and windy weather the tree is absolutely covered in blossom.

The tree is bent over and trained against our fence so our neighbours actually have more of the tree in their garden. I’m hoping the blossom gets pollenated but again I’ve seen very few insects because of the weather. Fingers are definitely crossed on this.

March started wet and cold

Ugh! Red sky this morning, wet and cold warning.

It’s March 1st, St David’s day, symbol the daffodil, saints day of Wales. I have a few uninspiring tete a tete narcissi daffodils at the front of the house but they look a bit sad and forlorn.

Today is the first day of Spring here. I hope it bucks it’s ideas up!

It brightened up in the afternoon, but there may be snow, showers then fog later. What fun.

In other news I’m plotting a joint exhibition with other friends later in the year. I’m hoping I might get some respite from the tablets I’ve started taking. You never know. I just want to feel better.

Low pressure

Low pressure over us, the barometer fell last night from changeable to much rain, and rain it did this morning. There is flooding in the English midlands and snow melt has added to the problem.

I tapped the barometer again this morning  and the indicator didn’t move. The weather just hasn’t been good, it’s cold and wet. But the temperature has risen a bit from the freezing conditions we had a few days ago. I hope the barometer goes back up again soon.

Beach (and surroundings)

Beach or mountains? Which do you prefer? Why?

Only because I’m not good at climbing. The worst walk I ever went on was a steep hill in the pennines. First the sole of one of my boots came unglued and started flapping around. We were only halfway up the hill. I solved it by tying it back on with my laces, but that made the bit round my ankle loose!

Then when we got to the top it was raining sideways and foggy. We sheltered behind the trig point at the top. This was two walls in a cross shape, so whatever direction the wind was blowing you could get out of it. When we decided to walk down we walked over the plateau at the top, only to find it was another side of the hill with a twenty foot drop and no path down!

Luckily we managed to find our way back across the top. By the time we started down the rain was making puddles on my glasses, the water was seeping through my coat, I was freezing cold and my boot sole was flapping about again….

That’s why I prefer beaches. Not lying on them, but exploring rock pools and caves. Visiting seaside cafes, and walking along coastal paths, as long as they aren’t at the top of cliffs!

Potting bench and moss

It’s wet under the trees, and the old bench that sits next to the kitchen gets damp. We don’t sit on it very often and it’s started to fall apart. I guess we should have varnished it when we got it. Maybe we should replace it with a metal one? Now it’s basically used for pots and potting on. The moss is getting rampant. The leaves need clearing up. Oh well, we live and learn.


Stone gatepost, in the shape of a pine cone. Covered in moss as it sits under the trees in the damp gloom. Where is the other one? I don’t know, didn’t see it? There is a path that runs past it to a tall tower. This is pierced by several square holes in its upper third and is labelled as the dovecote at Ford Green Hall.

The weather has been damp and gloomy for all of July so I don’t know what condition the gatepost would normally be in, but it looks spectacularly spooky at the moment. Walking along that path in autumn could be quite unnerving. X