
Symmetry with cats

Alien plants?

Symmetry makes interesting patterns. I took a few photos of my kitchen window ledge a few days ago and then tried using a vertical mirroring to create something different and unusual. Something you wouldn’t see unless it was in a reflection. I always think it’s worth doing this because it can look really alien. This photo has a large cat doorstop in it at the back, a Spanish pot with a tile design pattern and a large, dark pink cactus. But I can see a face, with pink hair and a moustache at the front with dark eyes and nose? The cats could be like conjoined twins, like a Greek mythological monster. And the cactus leaves in the middle seem to show a green face with an open mouth. Why not try this yourself?

Sixty years

There is an anniversary this year, the sixtieth year of Dr Who. I can remember hiding behind the settee when I was a child when I saw the monsters on TV in the programme. Not only Daleks were frightening. Cybermen and Autons too. The Doctor would always be caught in a cliffhanger situation at the end of an episode. In the next one he would solve the problem and rescue people on the planets he had landed on. In those days stories lasted four or five weeks. After a hiatus of a few years when the series seemed to have stopped for good it came back in the form of a film starring Paul McGann. Followed by a resurrected Christopher Eccleston in a brand new series. I know they are planning a spectacular story for the sixtieth story. I hope it lives up to expectations. I’m still a fan.


Sleep, a wonderful thing. Dreaming of creatures, as long as they aren’t monsters. And if they are monsters then as long as they are friendly ones? My monster is insomnia, when the dreams WON’T come. When the dreams that do appear flit past my eyes for a second and are then gone. Like a butterfly snatched by a cat, or a dragonfly grabbed by a pike. Then awake again I have to watch the seconds click by. Close my eyes and the world swirls sideways. I need rest!


I look up and see two monsters looming over me. They are staring at each other. Air swirls round them. Crystallising ice makes frost sheets over everything. ALIENS!

Created this photo from four mirrored images of sky, cloud, bushes and houses. Then added texture in Photodirector. The images look like huge baby chicks but with added claws waiting to grab you. Ready to pounce and fight with each other. I was interested in the colours of the sky. It gives a feeling that the air is chilled to a minus number.