Thank you Keith!

So many things have gone wrong lately. I lost a letter from the government and didn’t know what to do. It had warned me I might get fined if I didn’t fill in a form.

First I rang the local council, they gave me a phone number. Yesterday I rang it but due to technical problems they were not accepting calls.

So today I rang back. I spoke to a lovely and helpful man called Keith. He said he could help find the letter and what form I needed to fill in but the system was down so he would ring me back…

A few minutes later he called back. He had found my account and could complete the form with me over the phone but I would have to submit it myself so he would save it for me.

I’m so glad he helped, the 20 questions were complex and vague at the same time. I tried my best to answer accurately. I think I did OK. Once we were finished he gave me a long reference number and explained what I needed to do to submit the form. I explained that I sometimes shake I can hit the wrong keys. I asked what to do if I went wrong. He said just ring the department back with the reference number.

Then he said he could stay on the line and talk me through it! He did so and the form was submitted successfully! Thank you Keith!

Warmest September on record

I was just watching the news and so far this September is the hottest ever recorded in history, and the year is heading towards the hottest ever too.

Meanwhile our government has decided to cancel a high speed train project and instead wants to support car drivers. They are going to have some kind of war on potholes in the streets! They don’t want to slow traffic to 20 miles an hour in built up areas, although it means children would be less likely to be killed in accidents where the current limit is 30 mph.

Also the petrol or diesel car is seen to be better than electric vehicles. Our government is putting back the date when cars have to be electric from 2030 to 2035. Firms that were planning for the 2030 date and retooling their workshops now have to rethink what they are doing.

And the government have signed off on a new oil field in the north sea, but the oil and gas from there is due to be exported to other countries to be refined and we will have to buy it back at inflated prices!

But as long as our Prime Minister can travel on private jets all must be well with the world!

Closing borders?

Someone put a status on Facebook that the UK should close it’s borders to illegal migrants. I think this is racist and replied:

Who says illegal? Our government. But these people are humans, poor, frightened, children, women, men. We have closed legal entry options, we made them illegal. British people are a mixture of flemish, anglo saxon, celts, French, Italian, west Indian, African, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Iranian, Indian, Pakistani, Vietnamese and many other citizens of different cultures and countries. We accepted the transported children who were evacuated from nazi germany. Now we are acting like Hitler Germany. Divide and conquer. Blame incomers for all our ills. Meanwhile Brexit is a fiasco, we have become meaner and more selfish as our freedoms have been curtailed. Sorry but pulling up the drawbridge and sticking our fingers in our ears and singing nah nah na nah na does not help!

People in these situations should be called Refugees, that’s why they are seeking asylum

Global warming

What bothers you and why?

I have lots of problems but the one that  worries me the most is global warming. This is essentially the biggest threat to humanity I can think of. We should respect the world and it’s environment.

Carbon dioxide levels are higher now than in the past. It means that global heat is held in by a greenhouse effect. Europe, America and China are suffering extremes of heat and wildfires that can be seen from space continue in Canada and in Sardinia. Children at a holiday camp near Athens in Greece were evacuated because of wild fires nearing their camp.

Friends and relatives are my concern to some extent. I have no way of protecting them or their children. But it’s the rest of the population that are at risk. Water shortages, food shortages, lack of health care, damage to crops, drought, all have an impact. And it’s not just humans. Animals are increasingly endangered as we take over their land to grow crops or fell the trees they live in. We grab land like it’s infinite. We have to work together as societies to reduce emissions.

But even as some governments try to persuade us to be more careful with the planet, others are are being lobbied by Industrial bosses to just carry on with old technology and fuels, they are more interested in profit than saving the planet.

I can remember fears about population explosions and pollution back in the 1970’s. This has been happening insidiously for decades. We have to realise that our responsibility is not just for ourselves but for generations to come if we want them to have a decent future. Perhaps the idea of constant growth needs to end and we should work towards sustainable development goals.


How do you want to retire?

The UK government changed the retirement age a few years ago. They bought in a sliding scale so that women cannot retire until they are 65 or above (it was 60), and men’s retirement age had gone up from 65 to I think 67?

What that does effects millions of women and men. I would have retired by now, I could have still worked, but it means I cannot get my state pension yet, even though I have been paying into all my working life. The result is that a lot of people will get less of an overall pension for what is left of their lives, and are more likely to die before they get it. That also means the government will get to keep more of it.

So? People were living longer until recently, but the age you die has actually reduced, especially with the drop in wages, and increases in poverty. Older people tend to struggle to pay bills or afford to heat their homes, and as they are more likely to have health issues their lives may be shortened.

One possibility though is that the governments decision might be overturned. The WASPI women (women born in the 1950’s who say they were not warned the retirement age was due to be raised), had a judicial review pending at the start of June. I haven’t heard the outcome, but maybe I can retire…. SOON.

Strange word?

I have been watching the news about the USA midterm elections with fascination. We have supposedly fixed term elections of five years for the Government, by elections where we choose councillors every four years but they don’t always coincide, and a few mayoral elections that are only for a few cities that have chosen to have them, like London, Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool.

But this strange word keeps appearing in the US election ‘Goubernatorial’? Is that the spelling? It’s how it sounds. I would say Governatorial, as it is about the election of State Govenors. It is a real mouthful. Is it meant to be confusing, to sound clever, is it Latin? Or Greek? Who knows.

I think there’s a saying, something like: the United Kingdom and the United States of America are two nations seperated by a common language. Spellings of Sulphur (UK) and Sulfur (US), someone told me the Americans came up with simpler spellings. Also Neighbour (UK) and Neighbor (US)… Why not Neybor if you really want to simplify. And the pronunciation of Aluminium as Aloominum? Why? Many questions!

Trickle down

Cartoon by @cartoonralph, from an original idea by leftwinguk-f.b

Trickle down economics, the latest big idea of our UK government. Lift the cap on bankers bonuses, reduce taxes for the rich, reduce national insurance that will affect the tax burden more on the richest than the poorest (if you don’t earn enough to pay tax or NI in the first place cuts won’t affect you, you get zero benefit). Cut corporation tax for the richest. Our Prime minister, Liz Truss, says she wants to increase productivity whilst previously calling UK workers lazy and saying people must work if they can (in a gig economy). She says she doesn’t mind being unpopular! They have reduced the income if the poorest people on benefits. We are the sixth richest country in the UK and yet we have thousands of foodbanks where people have to depend on donated food. This idea is madness.

Fuel price cap

Later today the United Kingdom is going to be told the new price cap for Gas and Electricity which will affect the cost of bills. The price is set to skyrocket to about £2300 a year in October but then £4200? Per year in January! Bills are going to be unaffordable for the poorest in society and the question of whether to heat or eat becomes very bad if all you can afford to buy is cheap tinned food but you can’t heat it up.

The UK is supposed to be the sixth richest nation in the world but we seem more interested in giving the fuel companies shareholders masses of money instead of supporting our citizens. Our government is currently deciding who will replace Boris Johnson by letting 160,000 members of the British Conservative party choose the next prime minister instead of doing something about the cost of living crisis. Note to Liz Truss who is likely to win. If you cut taxes that’s fine for the rich, but a lot of people don’t pay them because their incomes are already too low. A 1% cut of nothing is nothing.

Keep your mask on!

Our marvellous, incredible, smart government raised all restrictions on Covid 19 a couple of weeks ago. No masks, no social distancing, wonderful?! NOT!

Now Covid numbers that were going down are going up again. What do you mean? you say. Yes numbers are now between 1 in 13 and 1 in 30 depending on where you live in the UK.

Hospitals are taking in more patients although they are not all ending up in intensive care. Our government seems to think we ‘have to live with it’ more like ‘have to die with it’. I wish our government had a few brains instead of bean counters!

Will Christmas be cancelled….?

Christmas is coming but will it happen? Our government is locking down the country from Thursday until December 2nd. This is after being advised by the scientists and doctors to bring in a lockdown about three or four weeks ago. No, they didn’t want to harm the economy, close schools, so they decided on a Tiered system, one, two and three… But that doesn’t seem to be working, hospital admissions and deaths are escalating again. So now it’s a lockdown. But then a minister has come out to say the lockdown might extend past four weeks. I don’t know where we will be at Christmas.

The whole thing seems to have been dealt with so indecisively, instead of keeping on top of things we were all given free rein, people travelled across boundaries.

I’m fed up, but I will continue to stick to the rules. I will be careful, I will wash my hands and I will continue to wear a mask, not just for me but also the people around me. Meanwhile the government needs to get its act together. Money is not more important than people.