Golfers elbow, too much phone use?

I was recently diagnosed with golfers elbow, and should be resting my arm, but I think it’s partly being cause because of my shaking arm. I’m trying to hold it still but I think that’s causing the muscles on the inside of my elbow to tighten and clench. That being said it hurts when I hold my phone in my left hand, but I would have thought my right arm would be involved too? Anyway I think I will blog more on my pc and rest my arm. Isn’t life wonderful?!

27 December

Still feeling rough

I guess this is like a diary entry. I’ve already put had this bug for probably more than two weeks. I think I caught it in a meeting that I went to, there were a lot of people I didn’t know there and at least one was coughing. I’ve tested negative again for covid, so I think I’ve caught something that must be doing the rounds. Lots of other people I know have it too. I feel I might be responsible! Symptoms include a sore throat, a cough which has really gone on my chest, and feeling shivery.

It’s only when I feel like this that I wonder how tiny viruses and bacteria can have such an affect on animals and humans. There must be a lot of them, and as your body tries to fight back does it release toxins? Bacteria and viruses try and get inside your cells and replicate, and your body tries to kill and expel them, but I don’t understand all the physiology. I just wish I was a cat and could sleep through feeling ill!

I need to get out.

I sometimes feel trapped in the house. I don’t mind doing things, it’s just since I’ve developed a shaking left arm I feel a bit unsteady on my feet, like I’m going to trip u or something. As I walk my shoulders, arm and hand get tense, then my neck and head finally my feet feel like they are going to tangle up. I just wish it hadn’t sapped my confidence. The garden fence could be iron bars, the front door is the door to my cell…. I suppose it’s me looking for safety and security, but I need to find mental as well as physical balance again.

Saggy and baggy


No one tells you as you lose weight how saggy and baggy you can get, the weight goes but your skin doesn’t shrink overnight. I have lost a lot over the last three years and now I feel like a half empty balloon! I’m flabby and I need to shrink!

I get into my clothes and everything seems to distribute evenly, but there are bulges I don’t like. Maybe I should get a corset? That’s what my mum and grandmother wore. Does anyone remember liberty bodices? I had to wear one when I was young. Thicker than a vest with clips for stockings, I think it was to get girls used to corsets. Luckily I grew out of it and got vests instead.

I know why I’m not ‘ toned,’ because my job was too sedentary, and being an artist I still do a lot of sitting down. I need more exercise.




I was thinking today that we are odd things. A mammal walking around with a lump of pinkish grey matter a bit like blancmange in our heads. Not just us, but all mammals and most animals are the same.

A pink lump with nerves running to and from it, directing movement, thought, feelings, sensations, memories, dreams, everything…

In the past the heart was thought to be the central control of the body, if the heart stopped the body died. Then science discovered the brain. All its strange quirks. Doctors recognised physical and mental diseases. The brain is a marvel, a wonder. Think about it. Geniuses like Leonardo or Einstein had slightly better brains, which affected the world…