Things to do

I took this photo to remind me that I’d like to attend this event. But I can’t decide whether to go. It’s an evening workshop and I’m not very keen on going out on my own in the evenings. (it’s actually lunchtime till mid evening). Plus I haven’t been able to scan the qr code. Perhaps I need to go with someone else. Things are going on that I have to try to go to, but I need more enthusiasm.



I’ve just been reading a Facebook post discussing whether spring water is better than tap water, on the premise that tap water had more minerals in it.

I know that in Britain the water quality is regulated and that government checks that quality regularly.

Water from springs perculates through rocks with minerals in them. Over thousands or millions of years they pick up the minerals as they are dissolved by the water (rainwater will also contain dust particles from the air, and organic matter from the ground before it gets into the rocks). Then it depends on the geology. That’s why we have hard water and soft water. In some springs the water can be hot. Some were used by the Victorians  as purgatives as they contained high levels of things like sulphur. They were used as cures and remedies, the idea being that they cleansed the body.

Modern tap water contains a few additives like fluorine. But in measured amounts. My dad used to call it ‘corporation pop’. Not dangerous.