The right size box?

What is a cat in a box?

Cat in a box, I think they are like an upside down tortoise or turtle? Or maybe a hermit crab? Inhabiting just the right sized box…. Finding a box the right size they can pour themselves into. We have a small medium and large cat and each have tried this box. The big cat has to stick his head over the edge, the small one could fit in twice. The middle one is like Goldilocks, it’s just the right size for the box. Wiggle room to twist over for a belly rub. I sometimes tip a bit of catnip in…. Which is most appreciated…. OK… Life is good for our cats….

Box, what box?

You can take a cat to a box but you can’t make it lie in one. I tickled his tummy risking my fingers, (his claws come out if you are not gentle). The paradox of cats, no wonder Shrodinger chose them as an example. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t want to be in the box?

One of the other cats takes up half the space I want to sleep in, he is double the size of this one so he’s difficult to shift when he’s asleep. He can’t even fit in the box I think.


He’s still an outdoor cat really. He comes in and snoozes for an hour, but then he goes back out again, on patrol, dozing by the shed, or under the neighbours car. His abscess has gone down now and his eye had opened up again, but he gets into scrapes with other local cats (not our other two). He will always be an outdoor cat really, especially in the summer. He finds places to sleep but they change depending on his mood, on the stairs sometimes, or on our sofa, under the hedge, in the summer house. I love him but wish he was a bit more settled.

Two cats together

It’s hot, and the cats have come into the living room to enjoy the breeze from our oscillating fan. They won’t sit right in front of it but are off to one side so they can feel a bit cooler. I’ve got the back door open for once after dosing myself up with hay-fever spray. Usually the windows and doors stay firmly shut but it’s hot AND humid tonight. It’s rained for a bit so that’s cooled the atmosphere slightly. Meanwhile the cats just decided to mooch off somewhere else xxx

Asleep on the stairs

Beware! Early morning hazard on the stairs. As the days and nights get warmer I think he sleeps on the stairs because there is a cool draught of air descending down them. It does make navigating them difficult for us. Thankfully I have two handrails and I walk carefully anyway. Rushing down (or up) could lead to a serious fall. I am also happy that he has a prominent white mark across his back which makes him more visible against our charcoal grey carpet (which the cats are pulling loose). Early morning perambulation is done at our own risk! Meanwhile he’s snoring quietly, curled up, a step full of fur asleep on the stairs.

Cat keeps warm

It’s hard to see, but one of our cats sleeps in front of our two oil filled radiators. He’s the biggest of our cats and has thick fur, but I think because he was abandoned and used to live outside, he’s taking advantage of the warmth he can get. It’s no problem to us as the heaters warm the whole room, and when he’s not there he’s usually outside in the cold. He really likes being out and about. One of the other two cats sleeps upstairs on a soft and fluffy bed or on the cat tree by the living room radiator, and the other one either sleeps on my chair, the sofa, or an igloo shaped bed in the living room. So basically they are all snug!

Cat asleep

One of my cats sleeps on the armchair arms between me and my hubby. He’s there now curled up. Snoring and purring. He’s a big strong cat, and he knows what he wants and where he wants to sleep. In a while he will be sitting by his cat food bowl (not rattling it, just staring at me, eyes half closed), then when he’s ready he will explore the garden and come in again later when we have gone to bed. Sometimes he sleeps half way up the stairs, then we have to watch out incase we step on him, you can see the problem, thank goodness he has a white patch on his back!

Handsome boy cat

With his golden eyes, he stares at me. Gazing up, black and white cat with cattitude! He wants to get up on the chair arm but there were things in the way. As soon as I moved them he jumped up and curled up next to me. I think the heat is getting to us all. It’s slightly cooler today but still hot for our fur covered friends. Now he’s purring, golden eyes closed….

Just as I wrote I that he jumped off the chair arm!