
How do I send a canvas in the post? I have wrapped it in bubble wrap but when I got to the post office they didn’t have any boxes big enough. They suggested I put it in a bin liner and tape it well but I didn’t think that would be secure enough. I asked them if they had any old cardboard boxes and they gave me two small boxes with low sides. I will try and unfold them and use them to strengthen the front and back. I was then going to use a black bin bag, but I went in the petrol station to fill up. They were chucking out a large cardboard box so I asked for it. I will use that as outer packaging with lots of tape. I’m glad I called in. Wish me luck, and the canvas a safe journey X.

The right size box?

What is a cat in a box?

Cat in a box, I think they are like an upside down tortoise or turtle? Or maybe a hermit crab? Inhabiting just the right sized box…. Finding a box the right size they can pour themselves into. We have a small medium and large cat and each have tried this box. The big cat has to stick his head over the edge, the small one could fit in twice. The middle one is like Goldilocks, it’s just the right size for the box. Wiggle room to twist over for a belly rub. I sometimes tip a bit of catnip in…. Which is most appreciated…. OK… Life is good for our cats….

Two cats one box

No sooner had the big cat got out of the box then the small cat got in! Middle cat slept in it last night, I didn’t think to take a photo of him in the darkness.

Cats and boxes are such a good fit! No pun intended. I think they like them to keep away draughts!

Oops, now it’s empty, the cat got bored! With boxes “one size fits all cats”.

Cat on a box

I turned round and then back, and there was a cat on the box that I’ve been using as a footrest. The box normally has a cushion balanced on top of it but sometimes I want to reposition my legs and it’s slipped so I need to rebalanced things, and voila the cat, without missing a beat commendered the box top. This is the other boy cat, not my friend from this morning. The other, other cat is usually found nesting on one of the cat tree platforms, which, because of my hubbys mad indoor gardening, is also used as a lemon tree and cumquat plant stand. Oh the joys of sharing a house.

Pond yatch?

This arrived today! It’s almost the length and width of our settee. My hubbys brother has sent it in the post. Why? It’s meant to be a pond yatch. But our pond is smaller than the box!

I don’t need more stuff in the house. I don’t know how much wrapping is inside the box, I just told my hubby I’ve now got something to put him in when he has passed away.

Hubby and brother used to make toy boats as children, they had a small lake near their childhood home where they built ships and then reinacted naval battles and set fire to the ships (I don’t have to say what I want to do with it do I?)

Oh well, another start to another weird day. Household peace may resume. But I’m not sure when! I just wish he’d open the box, but he seems happy just to look at it!

The cat found a box

We got a package today in a cardboard box. Before you could say Jack Robinson, one of the cats had co-opted it as a snug, draft free bed. I don’t know how long it will last. He’s slightly too big for it and one of the sides is a bit loose. He’s just lain down after having a good wash. Snuggling and curling, paw over nose.

What makes cats nest? You see them on videos, squeezing into tiny spaces, climbing into holes in virtually anything including empty washing machines!

A little jigsaw

One of my paintings has been turned into a little jigsaw by the gallery I have it in. I need to decide whether to order a few off them. I’d like to get some flat boxes to put them in so I can have a picture on the front of the box. Probably unrealistically expensive but I think it would look nicer in a box than just a plastic bag? I need to find out about sourcing something. Maybe a strong envelope?