Cat keeps warm

She’s taking advantage of the radiator being on for a while. A friend said she looks content in the photo.

I currently have another cat sitting on my knees poddling (kneading) me. I’m enjoying being nuzzled on my hand while loud purrs are surrounding me.

Content cats lead to content humans, warm and happy cats show you love. I don’t think they are as aloof as they are sometimes painted. But they do seem to have an off switch, they can be lovely and then just jump off you for no reason! My Mom used to call it cupboard love, because they usually just want feeding!

Heat seeking

Cats know how to keep warm, whether it’s by the central heating radiator or this electric powered oil filled one they know the best places to snooze. Sometimes they even use me as a source of heat. Having three cats on the bed at night is almost as good as having a hot water bottle. I know I need to save money, but I care about them. They have fur coats but I still want them comfortable.

Hopefully the weather will improve and the central heating can go off soon. We are almost in to spring and the winter has been relatively mild. I’m hoping the garden grows and the cats can sleep outside if they want X


Despite the radiators being on its really cold in my house today. I’ve also got a heater on. Two jumpers on top of a tee shirt and a scarf. I looked at the inside temperature and it’s 14.3°C (Celcius). That’s cold.

I have been out so I kept the heating off till I came in, so it’s going to take time to warm up.. I might get my dressing gown on later, it’s almost cold enough to see my breath. I think the weather is due to get warmer next week but I heard we are going to have another named storm on Sunday and Monday. What fun!

Fushias in November

We might get a cold snap in the next few days. At the moment though they are clinging on. Inside our house, I’ve just had to torn the heating off. We had a radiator mended in the week and now it’s pumping out warmth. I’m sitting here in a tee shirt and thinking I might turn it back off at the valve…

Let’s see what happens when the weather cools. If it gets frosty, if it snows. Then I won’t just be wearing a fushia pink tee shirt, and the flowers outside might be gone.

This radiator is mine!


We have a cat tower and one of the trays on it is directly over a radiator. We have two cats but only one of them uses this tray. Slightly squashed she still loves it. The heat from the radiator must almost be cooking her! But she’s comfy, she likes staring out if the window, watching out for our outside cat when he stands by the backdoor.

I wish he could come in and get hot too. We’ve put in a heater in the shed so he can keep warm. That’s a long story…..

Cats are charming but cheeky, this one sticks her claws in me when she wants to wake me up on the morning. She sticks her paw under the cover and prods me with her paws until I wake up!