
Despite the radiators being on its really cold in my house today. I’ve also got a heater on. Two jumpers on top of a tee shirt and a scarf. I looked at the inside temperature and it’s 14.3°C (Celcius). That’s cold.

I have been out so I kept the heating off till I came in, so it’s going to take time to warm up.. I might get my dressing gown on later, it’s almost cold enough to see my breath. I think the weather is due to get warmer next week but I heard we are going to have another named storm on Sunday and Monday. What fun!


Warmth is essential to life, not excessive heat, but enough so you are able to be comfortable without shivering or having to wear outside clothes indoors. When I see the state that people in Turkey and Syria and also Ukraine are having to live in, it makes me so thankful for my circumstances. Earthquakes and Wars don’t spare anyone. Freezing winter temperatures are lethal if you don’t have shelter and warmth.

If you are aware of any charities that are collecting for these tragedies please consider donating to them. Compassion is so important.

Window open

Brrrr. I’m sitting feeling quite cold. Our central heating system is due to be serviced but even though its a very cold day I was expecting a bit more warmth… Its been a sunny day so it helped warm up the house…. But then hubby just said ‘I’d better shut the bedroom window!’ Wait? WHAT?

He had opened it about six hours ago because it was too hot up there. So I’ve had the central heating on full blast and we have effectively been heating the whole atmosphere!!! I asked him, again, not to do this, but he’s forgetful and he likes fresh air. Tempted to shut all the heating off….. Then he said I’d better turn the hose off… Ape that’s been on for four or five hours. No doubt there are icebergs in the garden now! Grrr and Brrrr

Frazzled but surviving

Our back yard is a bit frazzled. The plants are brown in places but we have watered them in the evening. The tomatoes in a little hanging basket have developed but are yet to ripen as are the blueberries that a friend loaned us a few years ago when she moved. I’m still caring for them, I hope she’s OK but we have got out of touch with her. Anyway cool and thundery weather is on the way..

Pet Health Warning as UK Temperatures set to Soar

The UK’s leading feline charity has issued urgent advice on keeping pets sun safe as temperatures continue to soar. Following a red warning for extreme heat from the Met Office, Cats Protection is urging people to take extra precautions to protect their pets. Sarah Elliott, Central Veterinary Officer for Cats Protection, said: “White and pale-coloured cats […]

Pet Health Warning as UK Temperatures set to Soar

Reblogged from Katzenworld

Heating up


We have a red warning for extreme hot weather in the UK next Monday and Tuesday. Today (Sunday) is forecast to be over 30°C and not cooling to below that at night, then on Monday and Tuesday hot weather coming up from Spain is heading our way. Apparently its been up to 47° in places over on the continent with wild fires burning in Spain and Portugal. The weather service here, the Meteorological office, is concerned that additional deaths will occur because of it. They think there may be a few thousand extra deaths which is worrying. The highest temperature in the UK was in 2020, then it got to 37.8°C. This is a considerable increase above that.

The trouble here is that a lot of buildings are old, they are badly insulated so they don’t keep the heat in in winter or out in summer. Very few properties have air conditioning. I’m going to be sitting here with the fan on and a bottle of frozen water in front of it. What fun. X


It’s a cool night here. – 1.7°C outside and 17.2°C inside. It doesn’t help when the cats come through the door between the kitchen and the back door, they invariably leave it slightly ajar but I can’t shut it or they would be stuck behind it or in the bathroom. We have a bathroom radiator but it only just keeps the chill out and although I ‘fixed ‘ the cat flap the big cat can sometimes detach it because of his fat belly!

I’ve had the central heating on full time for the last couple of days, together with an oil filled radiator. But when it gets milder I will put it back to timed and use it less. This is because I’m worried about how much the cost of gas has gone up and also because of our carbon footprint. I actually do care. I would rather sit in a coat and dressing gown but my hubby feels the cold more. He has the oil radiator next to him. Life…. Always something…


Glasgow is about to host the climate change talks between nations to discuss how to prevent the increase in Earth’s temperature going on average higher than 1.5°C above pre industrial times.

Average means across the whole globe. But some area have been experiencing the rise of temperatures more. For instance a high temperature of over 18°C in Antarctica was recorded this year.

In other places people are trying to live at 50°C, halfway to boiling point. Weather systems are getting more fierce, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, forest fires, the melting of the permafrost. The extinction of insects and other animals and plants as they fail to survive the hotter conditions is increasingly worrying. The years after 2000 have been the hottest on record.

Let us hope that the politicians come together, stop denying climate change and get organised. Otherwise…. I don’t know.


It’s warm outside

It’s a tad warm today. Britain is a maritime nation, an island, with weather coming from all directions. So we have all sorts of weather to contend with. You can have a whole years weather in a day. Sun, rain, wind, hail, snow!

Today, its 22.8°C inside and 29.6°C outside and rising.

Then comes the arguments. My hubby opens the windows to get some breeze. I close them and shut the curtains… I think it keeps the hot air out? Its getting warm, and it’s almost autumn. The last time it was this hot was in July, August was a damp, cool and unsettled month.

I do think it’s strange how the weather changes almost always at the end of the month or the start of the next. Is it just in the UK? I know in some countries they don’t have rain for years and others face monsoons. I guess we are lucky?

Forest fires.

The world watches as forests burn. In the Amazon, around the Mediterranean. In the North where the temperatures have soared.

We have been told by scientists and young adults alike, but many turn their backs to the truth. Climate crisis deniers are like ancient Nero, fiddling while Rome burned.

We must take action now. Reduce our carbon footprints. Even in small ways we can help. One degree less on the thermostat, walking instead of driving, house insulation and double glazing. Not much in scheme of things, better than nothing. Now we are used to Zoom why not meet on line? Ask the important questions. Do we need the car today, can you replace things when they wear out with second hand, pre loved items. There are so many people on the Earth, let’s be fair, share, and waste less.