
Despite the radiators being on its really cold in my house today. I’ve also got a heater on. Two jumpers on top of a tee shirt and a scarf. I looked at the inside temperature and it’s 14.3°C (Celcius). That’s cold.

I have been out so I kept the heating off till I came in, so it’s going to take time to warm up.. I might get my dressing gown on later, it’s almost cold enough to see my breath. I think the weather is due to get warmer next week but I heard we are going to have another named storm on Sunday and Monday. What fun!

Passion flower

Yesterday in a garden centre, at the end of October we found this passion flower still in bloom. Its amazing how warm it has been over the last few weeks in Britain. Lasr week it was about 23° Centigrade in London and 19°s where we live. About 5 or 7° higher than usual. In some ways that’s good because we haven’t needed to put the heating on much. But it is unnatural. Apparently every month this year has been hotter than previous ones. Animals are not getting ready to hibernate, will they have enough food or energy to survive if the winter gets very cold. Who knows, it’s worrying.


It’s a cool night here. – 1.7°C outside and 17.2°C inside. It doesn’t help when the cats come through the door between the kitchen and the back door, they invariably leave it slightly ajar but I can’t shut it or they would be stuck behind it or in the bathroom. We have a bathroom radiator but it only just keeps the chill out and although I ‘fixed ‘ the cat flap the big cat can sometimes detach it because of his fat belly!

I’ve had the central heating on full time for the last couple of days, together with an oil filled radiator. But when it gets milder I will put it back to timed and use it less. This is because I’m worried about how much the cost of gas has gone up and also because of our carbon footprint. I actually do care. I would rather sit in a coat and dressing gown but my hubby feels the cold more. He has the oil radiator next to him. Life…. Always something…

Cold inside

Ignore the time on my weather station, I haven’t changed it since the clocks went back for winter. Look at the inside temperature in here, my living room. 15.6°C inside (7.8°C outside). I wondered why I was shivering. I’ve been trying to keep the central heating off most of the time to save money, but I’ve just relented and put it on. I’m still shaking while I type this. As heat rises I expect the ceiling to get warm first. My feet and legs feel the coldest……Now think of all the homeless people who don’t have shelter. I might be cold but I’m thankful to have a home.

I don’t know what the equivalent in Farenheight would be… I’d categorise it as ‘chilly’…