
Despite the radiators being on its really cold in my house today. I’ve also got a heater on. Two jumpers on top of a tee shirt and a scarf. I looked at the inside temperature and it’s 14.3°C (Celcius). That’s cold.

I have been out so I kept the heating off till I came in, so it’s going to take time to warm up.. I might get my dressing gown on later, it’s almost cold enough to see my breath. I think the weather is due to get warmer next week but I heard we are going to have another named storm on Sunday and Monday. What fun!


Ice cold fingers tickle my legs and feet, I need to put more layers on. We have the central heating on low and a little oil heater. It was OK while I cooked our evening meal, but now the cooker is off the temperature has dropped to 17.5°C, not very cold, but enough to feel a little chilly. I’ve just turned the fridge freezer up a bit because the freezer is icing up so it must be working too hard. The cats are finding warm spots to hide in, I don’t blame them. It’s not even thst cold outside, although a gritter has driven by spreading salt and grit on the road surface so no doubt its going to get chillier inside and out… Brrr


It’s warm outside

It’s a tad warm today. Britain is a maritime nation, an island, with weather coming from all directions. So we have all sorts of weather to contend with. You can have a whole years weather in a day. Sun, rain, wind, hail, snow!

Today, its 22.8°C inside and 29.6°C outside and rising.

Then comes the arguments. My hubby opens the windows to get some breeze. I close them and shut the curtains… I think it keeps the hot air out? Its getting warm, and it’s almost autumn. The last time it was this hot was in July, August was a damp, cool and unsettled month.

I do think it’s strange how the weather changes almost always at the end of the month or the start of the next. Is it just in the UK? I know in some countries they don’t have rain for years and others face monsoons. I guess we are lucky?