Friendship paw

Morning all, I just woke up and my cat decided to say hello. He puts his paw out to greet me and I stroke it, he is very sweet, it’s almost turned into a ritual as I’m still sleeping on the settee which I think he sees as his territory. I might go back to sleep, I woke up cold and shivering in the night, the temperature is definitely becoming autumnal.

Mid wash

Tongue out ready to lick, mucky chin, don’t know where he’s been. He came in after being out. It’s been raining and there’s mud about! Watchful eyes see what’s happening, he knows he’s loved, though he’s bought a smattering of rain and seeds in on his fur. So time to wash so he’s clean and dapper.


He is a bit of a nervous cat but when he’s in a good mood he purrs really loudly. He puts a paw out and touches my hand or arm. He will rest his head on my hand now, and then he starts to snore!

I appreciate his love and I think he appreciates ours. We are lucky to have built a friendship with this cat which was abandoned by his previous owners a few years ago. I hope he stays with us for a long time.



Juxtaposed they sat

The jelly mold and the light

Till they got in a fight

The triceratops came off worst

The cat pounced

Paw out

Dinosaurs leg fell off

Juxtaposed in opposition

They growled

And snarled.

Only in the dark

The cats eyes sharp

Wobbled over to the triceratops

Whose battery had gone flat.

Batted it with a jelly paw


Now he’s really flat!

Morning time.

Bin time

Sorry you can’t be glued.

Now jelly mold

Hangs it’s head in shame

Magnetised with a hook

To the fridge!

This radiator is mine!


We have a cat tower and one of the trays on it is directly over a radiator. We have two cats but only one of them uses this tray. Slightly squashed she still loves it. The heat from the radiator must almost be cooking her! But she’s comfy, she likes staring out if the window, watching out for our outside cat when he stands by the backdoor.

I wish he could come in and get hot too. We’ve put in a heater in the shed so he can keep warm. That’s a long story…..

Cats are charming but cheeky, this one sticks her claws in me when she wants to wake me up on the morning. She sticks her paw under the cover and prods me with her paws until I wake up!