Can’t wait for spring

This is a potbank shaped planter I bought from a company called project 2000 and that I hand painted a couple of years ago. I varnished it with yatch varnish and it has stayed in good condition. It has a small space at the top and I will try and grow either geraniums or pelargoniums in the top. Or maybe nasturtiums later in the year. I want to start preparing the yard and garden. I can’t just ignore it but we might get a bit of snow later this week The design is based on a local pottery symbol nearby. I think it was called the falcon works.

Falcon Works

Old bottle oven at the falcon works in Stoke. Bushes are growing out of it and the old pottery factory next to it was damaged by fire last year. Its terrible that the industrial heritage of Stoke-on-Trent is gradually crumbling. It should be renovated and reused, but it will probably be allowed to fall down. But there is no money, there is no support, there is no hope for these buildings I think. A few years ago it was suggested it could be a museum but I think the local residents opposed it because there would be traffic issues. I wish there was a chance that the dereliction could be stopped!


I don’t know what happened but there was a fire last week on the old Falcon Works pottery site near us. We saw a column of smoke rising from behind the Portmeirion pottery that is across the road from us. Then we heard a fire engine heading towards the pottery. The smell was very strange, like burnt rubber. My hubby went for a walk round the back of the works when we got back from Cornwall, he said it just looked the same as normal?

It turns out that the land has recently been sold to developers. Could this be a coincidence? A lot of old derelict industrial sites in the area seem to be hit by suspected arson recently. It is worrying to think of the damage being done to our heritage.


I painted this wooden planter last year? I think. Its been on display with other artists works. It was one of several planters that were done for something called BID. But I really want it back. At this rate it will be too late to plant it up. It’s based on the Pottery called Goss Works, or the Falcon Works, in Stoke, Stoke-on-Trent.

Potbank shaped planter

Based on the Falcon on the Goss works, Stoke-on-Trent.

My planter painted up for the Stoke BID Art-trail. It’s based on the Goss works Falcon plaque on the outside of a derelict pottery in Bath Street, Stoke-upon-trent, Stoke-on-Trent.

Several artists were given these potbank shaped planters to be painted up for the BID project. They should be on display this summer, all I need to do now is varnish it x

Falcon works

A couple of paintings I did two years ago? They were on display in the waiting room gallery at Longport. These are paintings of the Falcon Works behind Portmeirion pottery in Stoke-on-Trent. A lot of these buildings are either falling down or just sitting empty. I wish some of them could be restored. There is a wonderful place called the Black Country Museum in Dudley I think in Central England. They have rebuilt many old buildings on the site so you can visit and see the history of industry and businesses in England. There are some museums in Stoke-on-Trent which are smaller versions. For example the Gladstone pottery museum. It’s a real shame that so many old buildings are being allowed to fall into rack and ruin.

Falcon works

This is the falcon I am painting on the planter for the Stoke 2000 project. I just need to get a better image of it. I shall go out on a bright day and see if I can get an image with some good shadows on it. The bricks are also a mixture of reds, oranges, and burnt brown colours. I might take the pattern round on the sides. I hope to bring the planter to life.

Falcon Works painting.

Painted a year or two ago. The derelict pottery at the back of Portmeirion pottery. I love painting bricks. Most of the windows are boarded, and the Falcon symbol is on the end of the building. Painted in Autumn, acrylic on canvas.

It’s still standing but I think I will take some more photos of it before long, it’s worrying that it’s not being maintained or restored as far as I know. I guess it might be taken care of one day, but I’m not sure when.

Gossware falcon


On the gable end of the Falcon Works. Visible from Sturgess Street in Stoke.

I see you, Falcon,

Goss Hawk, swooping.

Air sifting between stone feathers.

Built as a plaque of identity,

Goss ware, pottery, strong and sturdy.

History, trade mark, art, bird.

Bird of prey,

Snatching art from thin air,

Your claws knead the clay….