Facebook down?

Fed up? You might be. Apparently Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp have been down for the last five hours. The link to them has somehow severed. Am I bothered? Not really, I’ve got lots I can do and it’s nice to have a break from social media. I’m one of the older people using it, so while it’s good to chat (and blog) I’m no influencer and I’m not bothered about not being able to shout into the blank abyss. I went back to choir practice after two weeks tonight. I enjoyed it. Reality beats digital!


Draw a repeating pattern (top left) of blue flowers (four petals joined into squares).

Add colours, use an app to mirror the pattern, use another one to distort the pattern of lines, or change hues. Erase some of the changes to get a variation in the pattern.

That’s what I do, start with something basic but slightly complex then change it either by hand or digitally. I’m hoping to use some of these patterns for my Final Major project at college.

Abstract sky

I went a bit psychedelic when I created this. The bare branches and twigs of the bushes in this photo created cells that I used a flood fill on. There are about three birds on the twigs, you might be able to see them.. The buildings are a line of terraced houses over the road from the hedge. It’s a combination of analogue and digital. It reminds me of stained glass.

Watercolour background morphed


I have a wide paintbrush you can use to spread watercolour across a page. On the right hand side is part of the original picture and the left hand side has had the hue digitally changed. The grass style marks were created by scratchingvthruogh the wet paint with the edge  of  a bit of  plastic. I might try and use the original background in my sketchbook for a new drawing, and I might upload this image to draw something else. I like the feel of this. I might add a lone pine tree or something like that. X

Dot dot


Sparkle, shine, glitter

I was playing with one of my phone picture editing apps and came across something that pixelates in dots not squares.

I turned it into a black and white image, then added colours with a flood fill option in another app. sketch-1558111779786

I did more to it by using my phone editing suite. I went to the curves section which allows you to adjust the colours and brightness and adjusted it to make it more interesting. 


I’ve ended up with a dotty abstract.