Medicinal garden

At Ford Green Hall there is a small medicinal garden, various herbs are grown there including oriental poppies, marjoram, lavender, mint, teasle and other plants including apples and wild flowers.

I wish I could get some things to knit and heal my foot and ankle. Maybe I should have collected some seeds while I was there. The wet weather has made cottage garden plants really big and blousy. Life is interesting how medicinal plants like feverfew and valerian can help with illness. Not everything is safe to take, but it’s good that medicines have plants as a basis for remedies and cures.


Stone gatepost, in the shape of a pine cone. Covered in moss as it sits under the trees in the damp gloom. Where is the other one? I don’t know, didn’t see it? There is a path that runs past it to a tall tower. This is pierced by several square holes in its upper third and is labelled as the dovecote at Ford Green Hall.

The weather has been damp and gloomy for all of July so I don’t know what condition the gatepost would normally be in, but it looks spectacularly spooky at the moment. Walking along that path in autumn could be quite unnerving. X

Afternoon views

A few views of where I set up to paint along side a family, gran, mother and daughter who were all painting. I really enjoyed the company. It’s good to be finally involved with other artists. We were at the top of the slope looking down at the Hall. Other people arrived and some went on to paint the lovely garden. I’ll post a few more photos later.

Ford Green Roof

Watercolour painting done today, mostly of the roof of Ford Green Hall. I started over to one side so it’s a bit squashed up on the left. I was just finishing as the rain started to come down so we went inside the cafe there for a brew and a cake.

This was a plein aire (spelling?) with the Orme Art Group. Our last session until we start up again in September.

I really enjoyed being out in the fresh air, although there was a noisy motorbike (2 stroke) zooming around and being very annoying. Ford Green Hall was built in the 15th century. Brilliant place to visit and there is a nature reserve at the back.