

And humid

Watering the yard

The moisture level outside is about 85%, I’ve got the fan on and the windows closed to keep the heat out. All my hanging baskets had wilted this afternoon despite heavy rain a couple of days ago. Sorry to go on about my garden but I enjoy showing it off. It does need work though. X

We don’t have droughts like other countries but we do sometimes have heathland fires occasionally. We are more prone to flooding. Apparently we have tornadoes but I’ve never seen one and they’re only small scale here.

Weather, what the British talk about. X

Sad hanging baskets

They are wilting…

Every day they are declining, wilting, leaves and flowers crumpling. We still haven’t had a frost but we have had cold rain.

Once they are gone we won’t have flowers till April or May. A few plants might be able to overwinter. I’m still thinking of getting some winter flowering pansies and a few cyclamen.

The main decline is amongst the plants are the begonias, their soft stems hold lots of water but I think their cells are only thinly walled and they split in the cold weather. Fushias are stronger, their woody stems hold out against the cold….

And then I’ve got baby raspberries… Weird!