Stepping up

Today’s walk was up and around my local hill. We walked up to the park along horizontal and then steep sections. We had a look round, sat on a bench for a while, then we carried on and walked further than we did before.

Clearly I’m not doing this because it’s part of my life. I don’t need to walk to collect water or food. But I’m doing it for my health, a first world problem.

Anyway it’s more than I’ve done for a year and it’s got to be good for my heart. I now need to build up my distances safely, because after suffering a pulled calf muscle I don’t want to do that again!

Stepping out

Only a few steps today, but more than I have been doing. I will try and keep this up now. If I can do around five thousand a day, or at least regularly, then it’s got to be better for me. Only problem is that my foot is hurting today, my shoe is rubbing on the outer side of my foot and I don’t know if it’s a temporary thing or if I’ve hurt myself. We will see tomorrow.

Walk and relax.


Cold grey, January day.

Duck lake, not Swan,

And every one is an ugly


Muddy footprints,

Bike tracks too.

Mountain bikes rush past

Out of the blue.

Bare trees, bare branch.

Bare seat. Too cold to sit.

The wind is chill.

No time to stay still.

But walk a mile

Enjoy the view.

No longer frozen

Hands warm

Breath full
