
I decided o do some leaflets about my cat, which was fine till the printer ran out of ink! I went in the computer shop only to find out they don’t stock that ink anymore. Grr

So I diligently delivered over thirty leaflets. I had to fill in gaps in the ettering where it had not printed properly.

I’ve removed his name and my phone number as this is being shared in public. You have to be so cautious about sharing information. I just want my cat back.


Not come home.

I still don’t know where my cat has gone. We went for a walk yesterday evening with our cat carrier. If we saw him in someone’s window or garden we were going to knock on their door and demand they give him back!

Sadly that didn’t happen. I feel more and more despondent. There is an empty space in the house and in my mind. The way he ran up and jumped on the back of the settee with a purrow! The way he came into the bathroom in the morning and greeted me with head butt’s and cheek rubs. I miss him. Hubby misses him. If he has died because of his heart condition I want to be able to say goodbye.

Sorry, just so sad….

Missing cat


I found out my sisters beautiful little kitten/cat went missing a few weeks ago. She just disappeared one night. If anyone lives in Rhyl near the coast road  between Prestatyn and Rhyl please can you keep an eye out for her. She is microchipped. This is a bit of a spur of the moment request and I can’t remember her name. I don’t want to upset my sister so I’m just quietly asking.

Thanks for any information.


Missing Cat

Seamus NOW HOME!20180621_230006

Seamus our boy cat has gone missing. We think he sneaked out while the builder had the bathroom window open.

I know its a long shot, but for anyone living in Stoke or Penkhull who is not on Facebook please can you let me know if you find him. He has a dark blue collar with diamond sparkly bits. He has a name tag with his address and our landline number. He has been microchipped .

He is timid and is probably hiding somewhere.  He does not like cars.  If he went to the front door and a car drove past he would run away from the noise of it. Unfortunately there are a lot of quiet roads and gardens behind us so he could have got a long way by now.

He has odd pupils to his eyes, one is slightly higher than the other so it looks like he is looking in slightly different directions. He has a heart murmer and may be affected by the heat.

Please let me know if you see or hear him. ..

He is now home having a wash lying on my foot! I whistled and shouted for two hours outside the back door. He always comes to me in the house when I whistle… also left his cat litter outside….