Installation frustration

Three hours wasted!

I had to buy a new printer/scanner because I couldn’t get the ink for my old one. So I thought I’d upgrade.

Big mistake! I started reading the instructions, popped in the disc to upload the new info. Then I put paper in and opened up the printer to install the inks. So far so good…

But, I clicked on a link on the screen and wondered why the WiFi setting on the printer looked like my old printer control screen? Still I did what it said and then decided to try and print. You guessed, there was an error linking up the computer and the scanner.

OK, I decided to link it up with a USB cable because the WiFi appeared not to be working. No joy. So I read the instructions a bit more and you had to press a WSP button on your router to get the computer to pick up the signal. I came downstairs and found the button. Pressed it, so it flashed. Back upstairs… Signal strength not strong enough. So I looked at the instructions, went back a few pages and set it for USB again, and working offline.

Then, I looked at the instructions again. Why was it showing the old control panel??!!

I realised that the disc had not whirred, it hadn’t installed. I’d wasted two hours! So, feeling foolish, I booted it up.. It said do this and that (already done) then do something else, yes, done. OK it seemed to be working. I checked the printer pattern. The printer whirred and a sheet of paper came out… Blank! Invisible ink? I tried cleaning the printer head. Nothing. I took the ink cartridges out. Their bases were pierced and I could hear ink sloshing… Strange. I rang the shop. They didn’t know what was happening so I said I would go back in the morning.

So.. I have a printer with ink, that is linked to the computer. But despite three hours, it won’t print, there is ink and paper, but the ink isn’t flowing!

Grrr, I want to print leaflets about my cat… And I’m stuck.


I decided o do some leaflets about my cat, which was fine till the printer ran out of ink! I went in the computer shop only to find out they don’t stock that ink anymore. Grr

So I diligently delivered over thirty leaflets. I had to fill in gaps in the ettering where it had not printed properly.

I’ve removed his name and my phone number as this is being shared in public. You have to be so cautious about sharing information. I just want my cat back.