An old mug

What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily?

I still use an old mug that I’ve had for over twenty years. There’s a small crack in the top of the handle that flexes slightly when I pick it up if it’s full. One day I think it will either get broken in the washing up bowl or when I pick it up. Hopefully the first option as I don’t want a lap full of decaff!

I do use it virtually everyday but I can’t find it now so I’ve used a stock photo that looks like it. It’s like goldilocks, just the right size for a drink, not too much, not too little. The handle fits my hand just right.

I don’t know the manufacturer, but it’s likely to be local as I live in an area called “the potteries”. You can tell people are from here. They lift up pottery and look underneath for the manufacturer’s mark (backstamp). It’s so well known that its called the “turn over club”!


Today’s #bandofsketchers prompt was Handle. I couldn’t think of anything ornate to draw so I just did the front door handle with my keys in it. Black calligraphy ink pen with metallic watercolour paints for the details and view through the front door window. My arm still shakes so as I hold my sketchpad it wobbles…..


One of the drawings I have to do in the challenge is a handle. Most people seem to be drawing door handles, but I thought I would do the handle on a tin opener. I think it counts as one. It’s something you turn with your hand after all?

Interpretation is something you can explore when doing these challenges. Why should you be limited to a specific version of something? If you think about things you can come up with different ideas and be creative with them. I’ve got four more images to do just to catch up, but I don’t think I will be able to do them tonight.


Look again

When you visit somewhere it’s always interesting to look at odd little views, like the cupola seen through a broken window of a derelict green house, or mirrors placed under helibores so you can see their open flowers that usually hang down and hide their beauty. Smoke coming out if the little gift shop chimney (the shop had a warm wood fire burning in the hearth) a picture of a small pool. The fountain was not running. A sculpture of a jumping fish, a grey handle on a grey background. Light through the clouds and a curved turf covered roof to some sort of culvert.

Why not look at those odd sights and take a picture, they may not make a perdect composition but they may spark some thought.