Shiver and shake..

My arm and hand (left) keep wobbling and shaking. I think it’s because I’ve got muscle wasting, which is because od my frozen shoulder…. If you watch a kestrel hovering it’s body is buffeted by the wind but its head stays still. My hand is not like that! My hand shakes and I stab at my phone keyboard. Half the time I miss and hit the wrong letters. This has got to get better. The tension in my shoulders is like the weight of the world…. Why do I have to hold it up?

Pain in my shoulder

My pain is explained! I have a freezing shoulder. Not frozen yet, but on the way. There may be ligament damage and the bursa in the joint may be swollen. I’ve got to talk to the pharmacist about antiinflammatories. It explains why I can’t lift my arm up, sideways or backwards. It explains why I can’t sleep. Now to start doing exercises to prevent it getting worse. Phew….

He’s OK!


He has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

In other words he has thicker than normal heart walls which make it harder for the blood to flow through his heart. It also means that it can swirl about instead of flowing easily through his left ventricle. But at the moment he’s OK. Just got to watch out for deterioration. He’s not showing any signs and he is a young cat.

I was so worried. He will be looked after. No meds required yet.