
What’s the biggest risk you’d like to take — but haven’t been able to?

I used to love cycling downhill, leaning forward and down over the handlebars. I was quite good especially on twisting roads.

I never went on ski trips when I was a child, but I think given a chance I would have been able to do well. But that is the kind of risk I think I would have taken when I was younger. I can imagine slaloming down a beautful snow covered hill. Zooming properly not on a computer screen, but I’ve never had the chance. X

Uphill walk

Today I walked into Stoke by walking Uphill, (and then downhill again).. I’m a bit unsteady on my feet. It sounds strange but because I shake and my arm goes stiff and my foot clenches a bit I feel very nervous of tripping and falling. I look down more than up, watching my feet instead of looking at the view. But I need exercise. I cannot just sit on my chair and wait to become completely dilapidated like these old bottle ovens. My arm and hand hurt holding the phone while I type. But I won’t stop. Life, it gets to you sometimes! But I can walk Uphill!

Went for a walk

We didn’t get to the lake so we walked locally, up and down the big hill round here, Penkhull. The village was mentioned in the doomsday book. I walked in a mask and socially distanced, my glasses steamed up and with the very low sun it was more like walking in a dark fog than a sunlit day. I kept covering my eyes with my hands to shield them. As we walked we were stepping over lots of broken twigs and branches. One large limb had fallen down on the local school grounds, but as some of its branches has been cut back, this might have happened a whole ago? Today I managed to walk 5.8 kilometers (8250 steps) I also managed to raise my heart rate. I’m glad we won’t but I was shattered when we got back!