Rain again

Water from the sky all day, falling incessantly. Rivulets splashing. Grey sky, rain pouring down, puddles and rushing gutters overflowing. I haven’t been out. Sitting in a warm jumper. I haven’t even opened the curtains! I watched the water running down the window panes in the kitchen, following wriggling lines downwards, drips racing each other to the bottom. Tears from the sky. Such a dark day, concrete coloured clouds and not silver lined. Perfect for ducks! Perhaps it will be better tomorrow?


Small canvas, about two inches by three. It’s meant to be a window with a rusty frame. Frosty window panes. I’m going to add branches and maybe a bird like a Jay. The texture has been done with a pallette knife. I don’t usually use these but I was given a set at Christmas. I’m waiting for it to dry so I can add more to it.