Hydrangea blue

The bracts are developing to a purple blue. Such a lovely plant. It’s sitting in the yard but I think we will move it towards the house so it gets more light. I remember my grandmother having a hydrangea but hers was pink. I painted a portrait of her in front of it years ago. It grew in a big pot under the living room window. Just seeing this brings back memories of a strong and forthright woman. She knew what she thought and what she wanted.

7 thoughts on “Hydrangea blue

  1. Very nice. I read somewhere that the colours of the hydrangea flowers are indirectly influenced by the acidity of the soil. Acidic soil results to blue flowers, alkaline results to pink flowers. Something to do with the availability of aluminium (higher in acidic soil).

    Makes me think of litmus paper, only the effect is opposite (blue turns red when acidic, red turns blue when alkaline) 😁

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